Teaching + Learning

Strategic Priorities

Key Areas

  • Programs
  • Curriculum
  • Delivery
  • Environment
  • Educators
  • Learners


  • Includes undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate/fellow, and post-professional training.
  • Encompasses the student/learning experience.
  • Involves the learning environment (e.g., technology, supports, resources).


  • Innovation in education programs.
  • Intra- and inter-professional learning opportunities.

Annual Strategic Goals

Year 1 (by June 30, 2025)

  • TRC Calls to Action: Strategy to address report card inactions and alignment with the University Indigenous Strategic Plan.
  • Teaching and Learning Program Support:
    • Gap analysis completed, including recommendations for technology, innovative program modalities, education development, and instructional design.
    • Needs assessment/environmental scan of post-graduate learning needs (within and outside of Canada) completed.
  • Digital Healthcare: Curriculum integration plan developed.
  • Inter/Intra-Professional Learning: Plan to increase opportunities (includes experiential placements).
  • Rural and Global Health: Plan to foster focus on rural and global health documented.
  • Primary Care: Plan to leverage strengths in primary care training documented.
  • EDII Gap Analysis: Completed for curriculum and learning environment.
  • Learner Support: New systems, processes, and resources established to support learners with diverse needs.
  • Program Improvement: PharmD, graduate, and post-professional improvement priorities identified and documented.

Year 3 (by June 30, 2027)

  • TRC Calls to Action: Faculty strategy implemented and aligned with the University Indigenous Strategic Plan.
  • Teaching and Learning Program Support:
    • Program support established for innovative education approaches, including technologies in teaching and learning.
    • Prioritized post-graduate programs for pharmacy and broader health professionals developed and implementation commenced (e.g., micro-credentials, academic presentations, podcasts).
  • Digital Healthcare: Curriculum integrated.
  • Inter/Intra-Professional Learning:
    • Expanded learning experiences offered throughout professional programs.
    • Expanded interdisciplinary and work-integrated learning opportunities for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.
  • Rural and Global Health:
    • Expanded learning opportunities in rural health.
    • Expanded learning opportunities in global health and international locations.
  • Primary Care: Expanded learning opportunities for advanced roles in primary care implemented.
  • EDII Priorities: Priority gaps closed, achieving CCAPP standards in alignment with the University’s Indigenous and EDII Strategic Plans.
  • Learner Support: Needs to support success and progression are appropriately accommodated.
  • Program Improvement: Implementation of improvement priorities commenced.

Year 5 (by June 30, 2029)

  • Education and Training: Offering accessible and flexible pharmacy education and research training, preparing graduates for careers of tomorrow.
  • Recognition: Recognized provincially, nationally, and internationally for quality and innovative graduate and post-professional learning opportunities.
  • Inclusivity: An inclusive Faculty that prepares socially responsible graduates to serve diverse communities.
  • Technology Leadership: Leaders in the integration of technology and digital healthcare.