CORE ELMS is an online experiential learning management system which provides communication, accountability, and tools for the student, preceptor, and Faculty. It houses all preceptor, site, and student information, forms and resources, and allows for correspondence between the Faculty, preceptors, and students. All student performance assessments are administered through CORE ELMS.


These slides provide step-by-step guidance and illustration on how to work with CORE ELMS.  Preceptors are encouraged to add a profile description about yourself, your site, your clinical practice and clinical area,  the learning experience and activities the student will be involved in, hours of work, topics and/or skills that the student should be familiar with prior to the placement.  This information will help students in their placement selection process as well as help prepare them for the placement experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm a NEW Preceptor! How do I gain access to CORE ELMS (formerly RxPreceptor)?
If you would like to become a preceptor, you must complete and submit the appropriate Preceptor Enrollment Form. Once this form has been received, you will be entered into the system and will receive an email confirming your account activation and your login credentials.
How do I reset my username and/or password?
Email our Program Assistant at to obtain your username and/or reset your password.
What internet browsers are compatible with CORE ELMS (formerly RxPreceptor)?
We recommend that you use Google Chrome or Firefox for completing assessments, NOT Internet Explorer. Make sure you're also using the most up-to-date version of your browser interface to ensure technical issues are avoided. If trying to access CORE ELMS from other countries, you may have difficulty.  It is suggested you make sure all required activities are done before international travel.
Who do I contact for technical assistance?
Contact the Experiential Education Office at for all CORE ELMS related questions or technical assistance including password resets.
What's the difference between RxPreceptor and CORE ELMS?
RxPreceptor and CORE ELMS are one in the same. All that has changed is the name and branding of the program. What was once called RxPreceptor is now called CORE ELMS.