Changing Staff Type

This section has information about what happens to your benefits when you change staff types without a break in service with the university. Your change in coverage will be effective on the date of your transfer.

Program eligibility and levels of coverage vary depending on your appointment. Please review the Benefits Summary & Enrolment Guide for your new staff type. The information provided below is in addition to the guide details. 

Plans What You Need to Know
Health & Dental
  • Your Sun Life policy number and ID will not change.
  • Your claims history will remain under your account. Plan maximums and dates of last service will not reset on the date of your new appointment. Most plan maximums (e.g. annual maximum for physiotherapy) reset on January 1.
  • If your new plan has a higher maximum, then you will be able to access the extra amount.
  • If your new plan has a lower maximum, then you will not be reimbursed for further claims until the maximum resets.
Spending Accounts
  • Any amounts already credited to your Health Spending Account (HSA) and/or Personal Spending Account (PSA) cannot be withdrawn or transferred.
  • Any credits in your HSA that have not been used will carry-forward (usual carry-forward rules apply).
  • If you are transferring from the Support Staff to the Academic or MAPS plan:
    • Your PSA will terminate on the date of transfer. You can submit claims incurred before your transfer date up to 90 days after the current year. Any unused credits will be forfeited.
    • You will receive your next HSA allocation on January 1.
  • If you are transferring from the Academic or MAPS plan to the Support Staff plan:
    • You will receive $250 credits to your HSA and $250 credits to your PSA at the date of transfer. 
    • For the next calendar year, you will be able to elect which plan(s) to allocate your total $1,250 credits.

Optional Life Insurance

Optional Dependent Life

Optional AD&D

Optional Critical Illness

  • Coverage you currently have elected will continue - you do not need to reapply. 
  • Please check the Summary of Benefit Costs for the current rates, which are subject to change annually.

Confirm if your appointment change means you are eligible to participate in a different pension plan. If so:

  • Follow the steps in the enrolment guide to name your beneficiary, review contribution rates, etc.
  • You will be eligible for Combined Pensionable Service (CPS). CPS is a unique feature for plan members who transfer between the PSPP and UAPP at the same employer without a break in service. Having CPS allows you to retire with an unreduced pension based on your total service in both plans, and use your highest salary information from one plan to calculate your pension in the other.

Your vacation entitlement is determined by your appointment type and length of service. 

Moving to Support Staff

  • The vacation year is January 1 to December 31. 
  • Vacation hours are earned every pay period.

Moving from Support Staff to Academic or MAPS

  • The vacation year is July 1 to June 30.
  • Vacation hours are allocated at the start of each year. Your entitlement in the current year will be prorated based on your date of appointment.
  • The balance of your unused vacation hours earned as Support Staff will be paid out.