Emergency Preparedness

Being prepared to respond to issues that could occur on any university campus is key to emergency prevention. Emergencies can be prevented by prompt and early attention to issues that could escalate, in any of our campuses, research sites or work areas.

Keys to Emergency Reduction

  • Report: Report issues early – if you see something, say something. The Emergency Information + Procedures page is home to emergency and non-emergency contact information and resources, including:
    • Protective services
    • Emergency building maintenance
    • Non-emergency reporting of maintenance, workplace health + safety/environmental concerns, theft + safety concerns
    • Emergency procedures, from active aggressors to hazardous materials spills to alarms or evacuations
  • Learn: Learn about emergency management through Health, Safety + Environment courses . Topics range from fire safety to helping individuals at risk and everything in between.
  • Plan: Supervisors should create a Unit Action Plan which will ensure every employee and student knows what to do in an emergency, from fire drills to location of emergency exits.
    • This Unit Emergency Plan form will generate a plan that can be easily shared, adapted and maintained, and will reflect any emergency plan changes made by Emergency Management. The plan should be shared and reviewed/updated annually, and the plan creator will receive a review reminder on the plan anniversary. Learn more about action planning.

Emergency Response

In the event of an emergency, the university’s first responders will support municipal first responders. Be aware that someone outside of a team’s normal reporting structures may suddenly be involved and may issue urgent safety instructions, or require teams to assist.