Human Resource Development Fund for Support Staff

The Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF) allows eligible support staff to access learning opportunities (courses, workshops, seminars, in-school apprenticeship training or programs) that will:

  • enhance their capacity to perform work.
  • prepare for an expanded or different role.

The fund is not available for:

  • general interest courses (e.g., hobbies, crafts, recreational memberships).
  • wellness courses.
  • job-specific training required for your current role.
  • training required by legislation for your current role.
  • University of Alberta credit courses (see tuition remission instead).

HRDF is a negotiated benefit between the University of Alberta and the Non-Academic Staff Association (NASA). Please see Common Provisions - Operating & Trust: Article 24.

Eligibility Amounts

Fiscal year: April 1 - March 31

Eligibility Amounts
Employee Type Eligibility Timing Maximum
Casual I No Not Applicable None
Casual II Yes When Casual II starts $500 per fiscal year (no borrowing)
Auxiliary Yes When Auxiliary starts $750 per fiscal year (no borrowing)
Regular Yes When Regular starts $750 per fiscal year
Excluded Employees No Not Applicable None

Borrowed funding may be available if a program cost exceeds your maximum allowance in a fiscal year. View the HRDF User Manual for details.

Additional information on course eligibility, employee eligibility and entitlements is provided in the document, HRDF User Manual.

Timing of Funding Applications

Timing of Funding Applications
For courses/conferences which start between: Applications will be accepted on the following dates:
April 1 to June 30 March 1
July 1 to September 30 June 1
October 1 to December 31 September 1
January 1 to March 31 December 1

Once the funds are spent by support staff collectively for a funding period, no further applications will be accepted.

Applications submitted early will be declined and you’ll need to submit a new application during the appropriate period.

Apply for Funding

  1. Read the step by step instructions provided in the HRDF User Manual.
  2. Visit E-HRDF and submit an application.
  3. An automated email is sent when your application status is updated.

Changing + Cancelling Approved Courses

Contact if:

  • the approved course has been cancelled.
  • the eligible employee has withdrawn from the course.
  • the start date has been changed.

You must provide a legitimate reason for not attending, or you may be responsible for reimbursing the HRDF. 

Leadership + Management Training

The HRDF can be used for leadership and management training for employees at all levels.

Leading Others helps supervisors understand themselves as leaders, develop relationships with others, navigate complex contexts and reach for future possibilities, so that they are forces for a better future in their units and portfolios of work.

Management Intensive equips managers with the essential knowledge and skills needed to plan, organize, and execute work within day to day operations. It supports managers to build high performing teams that meet operational goals and propel the strategic vision.

These are application-based programs, so you will need to apply for acceptance into the program. HRDF funding approval does not guarantee a spot in the program. The program may be funded through HRDF or your faculty or unit’s operating budget.