
Woman holding test tube

An Alberta based centre for applied pharmaceutical research and innovation.

  • Targeted drug delivery
  • Biotechnology
  • Poor soluble compounds
  • sign of novel dosage forms with desired release characteristics

Another area of interest is the development of innovative analytical methodologies for stability and in-vivo behaviour prediction.

DDIC works with Oncologists, Biomedical Engineers and Clinicians to design novel drug delivery platforms using interdisciplinary approaches.

Major areas of interest:

  • Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) and In-Vivo / In-Vitro Correlations (IVIVC)
  • Novel Dosage Form Development for Class II and IV Drugs
  • Biotechnology for Dermatological Applications
  • Nano Drug Delivery Platforms
  • Prediction of Accelerated Drug Stability by Alternative Techniques (such as Microcalorimetry)

Additional DDIC projects include creating new methodologies for delivering training and education in regulatory sciences and pharmaceutics. The Centre works with a cross-disciplinary team of clinical scientists and industry experts to launch unique training and education opportunities for students at University of Alberta.

Selected Reference to download (Education and Research Archive)

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