Email Security

As part of our ongoing efforts to protect the university from a growing landscape of online threats, IST is launching a new solution to enhance email security for the university community. The enhancement will improve the detection and automatic blocking of email-based threats like phishing, employment offer fraud schemes and malware. Once implemented, you can expect fewer malicious messages in your inbox.

This solution will be transparent and require no action from you. Stay tuned for more updates once the implementation of this project is complete.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is an email security solution required?

Social engineering and email-based threats have increased and become more sophisticated in recent years — Google's junk and spam filters are insufficient. Our security solution is tailored specifically to the university and our email content, leading to quicker detection and remediation of threats.

How will this benefit me?

This will improve the detection rate and speed of response to email based threats and aid in protecting university email users from falling victim to scam, fraud and other email based attacks.

Will I need to do anything to start using the new email security product?

You will not need to take any action. The added security solution will operate entirely in the background.

Will this change how I use my email?

You can continue to use email as you do today. A change you may notice is that Google will indicate your account is in use in an additional location. This is the security product’s integration working as intended.

Can I still access my email on my phone and other devices?

Yes. Email will continue to be accessible exactly the same after the launch of the new security features.

Will this product affect my email storage limit?

No. This security solution works to protect against email based threats. It will have no impact on any storage limits.

Is my email being monitored by someone?

No. The software uses machine learning to detect email based threats. These processes are automated and do not involve intervention by a person. Your email communications remains private and secure.

Providing feedback about the email security product

Contact the Staff Service Centre.

Further questions?

Contact the Staff Service Centre.