Application Development

Our team supports institutional level applications and provides complete application lifecycle services for custom software at the University of Alberta, as well as assistance with individual parts of the lifecycle of an application. This includes development, quality assurance, and data integration services (API).
We are also responsible for building and managing several applications that are used University-wide including Faculty Annual Reporting (FAR), Alberta Research Information Services (ARISE), Marketplace, and our mobile app, MyUAlberta. Our team also manages Apps@UAlberta, which provides quick access to apps like Bear Tracks and eClass, as well as course catalogues, campus directory, email distribution, emergency notification, and privacy and security training.Enterprise Development and Quality Assurance
Our team can assist in developing a new service or take on an existing service for continual service improvements, through to eventual decommissioning. If you’re looking for a new tool or application, we assist through consultations and discussions to discover what you need to suit your needs. If you have an existing team and project we can also consult on development best practices, provide quality assurance, software testing and/or automated testing.
Commonly Asked Questions
Data Integration
Data Integration is the process by which systems access and share information and records. Our team can help clients evaluate their data needs, find appropriate integration options, and build out the integrations between systems. From a list of data requirements, or vendor documentation, we can assist you in locating the appropriate data source and guide you through the multiple integration sources, integration styles, and privacy and security requirements, at the University of Alberta. To discover how we can help with your specific data needs, contact the Staff Service Centre.
In addition to our application development, QA and data integration services, our team is also responsible for building and managing several applications that are used University-wide. Some of these include Faculty Annual Reporting (FAR), ARISE, Marketplace, and our mobile app, MyUAlberta.
We also maintain and manage Apps@UAlberta, which provides quick access to apps like Bear Tracks, eClass and G Suite. It also encompasses Find a Person, the Course Catalogue, VPIT SPED, Easy Post, Room Booker and the Red Alert Notification System.
If you discover that something is not working in one of our applications, or if you are looking to see if a new feature would be viable, please contact the Staff Service Centre or complete our Feedback Form found on the Apps@UAlberta page. We are always looking for great feedback to continually improve these applications for you.
MyUAlberta App
Stay in touch with University news including events, calendars, contacts, maps, and more! Join your campus community on the app now.
When it comes to connecting on campus, most students reach for their phones to get the latest news, events, and updates. With the MyUAlberta app, students are now connecting even faster and building a digital, versatile community. Designed with the student experience in mind, this one-touch hub of information, provides access to campus services, campus maps, upcoming events, BearTracks and so much more! You can also interact with the UAlberta community; the campus wall lets students connect over topics like housing, ride sharing, or even mental health.
Completely customizable, personalize your home screen with your favourite information modules or features, and change your experience based on the campus you attend. Giving students one quick, easy tool to manage their university lives, it allows them to seamlessly connect to UAlberta resources wherever they go.
The app is also a great resource for faculty & staff, and prospective students who can select their current experience based on their relationship to the University, and gain access to tools specifically with them in mind.