Open Competition

The Open Competition comprises of three awards:

  • Myer Horowitz Graduate Student's Association Graduate Scholarship
  • The Faculty Club/Dr William A (Bill) Preshing Graduate Scholarship
  • Friends of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Scholarship

Departments may nominate one student to be considered for all three awards.

  • Myer Horowitz Graduate Student's Association Graduate Scholarship: 10 awards at $1,400 each
  • The Faculty Club/Dr William A (Bill) Preshing Graduate Scholarship: 1 award at $2,400
  • Friends of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Scholarship: 11 awards at $1,500 each
Each award has its own eligibility. The base eligibility for all three scholarships are:
  • Open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, and International students
  • Open to applicants in doctoral or master's programs
  • Open to full-time registered students only
Additional eligibility per scholarship:

Faculty Club/Dr William A Preshing Graduate Scholarship
  • Awarded on the basis of superior academic achievement
  • Financial need will be taken into consideration during the selection process

Friends of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Scholarship and Myer Horowitz Graduate Students' Association

  • Awarded on the basis of academic excellence and merit
  • These scholarships may only be held once
  • Must have received no or limited financial support from the University of Alberta
Nomination Procedures

Students cannot apply directly for this competition and must contact their department for application instructions.

Department/Faculty are required to answer all mandatory questions and attach necessary supporting documents. The Graduate Scholarship Committee will make the final decision. Only submit one nomination per Department/Faculty. The nominee will be considered and checked for eligibility for all three scholarships.

Nominations are submitted by the department via GSMS under "Open Competition".

The GPS Awards Team will review your nominee's eligibility and to ensure that each nomination is adjudicated in the award(s) competition for which they are eligible. Offers will be made directly to students from the specific award they are successful in winning (i.e.. the final offer will come from the Horowitz award, not the "Open" award).

The two mandatory nominating questions that departments must answer in GSMS are:

  1. Please address how this nominee/candidate best meets the Eligibility Criteria for this award
  2. Confirm that this nominee/candidate's Area of Research meets that which is stated in the Terms of Reference

A complete nomination package includes:

  1. Open Competition Application Form
  2. Research Proposal (maximum one page ONLY and any additional pages will be redacted)
  3. CV
  4. An unofficial University of Alberta transcript

Note: The Department/Faculty must upload each required document separately in GSMS (i.e. Do not merge all documents in 1 PDF file to upload).


Deadline for Departments to submit one nomination via the GSMS Awards Portal is Thursday, September 26, 2024.