Requests for Changes to Existing Graduate Programs
The following steps must be taken in order to make changes to existing Graduate Programs:
- Contact GPS at GPS will provide the appropriate templates and assist with the drafting of the change request.
- GPS will also work with you to solicit the collective wisdom of the GPST early on in the process.
- Proposals for Changes to Program, Admissions and Academic Standing Regulations will need to be reviewed by the GPST, either initially in a consultative manner (recommended), or prior to being considered by the GFC Programs Committee. GPS can also assist with ensuring that the proposed changes go through the appropriate governance approval pathway (see diagram below).
Note: Editorial Only and/or Course & Minor Program Changes
- Editorial-only changes continue to be submitted to
- As of 2020, all Graduate Course and Minor Program Changes will be submitted to, where they will be reviewed by the University Calendar Editor and the Exams and Timetabling unit first, before being forwarded on to the Graduate Program Support Team.