
Using My Schedule Builder

Please see the following page for video tutorials and user guides related on how to search for classes and enrol via My Schedule Builder on/after your enrolment date:

Registration Issues

Below are some of the most common registration issues encountered by students. If you are having issues with registration, we recommend checking the following before reaching out for further assistance.

When can I register?

Check your enrolment date in Bear Tracks to ensure that you are eligible to enroll in courses. Your enrolment date can be found in your Bear Tracks account by clicking on the 'Manage Classes' tile, then the 'My enrolment Dates' tab, and selecting the appropriate term. Your enrolment date will also be displayed when you access “My Schedule Builder” in Bear Tracks on the main ‘Select a Term’ page. These sections will be updated for every Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer.

Why am I receiving a Validation Error?

If you receive a validation error, please be sure to:

  • check if there are any course restrictions by viewing the course details, select the drop-down arrow next to the course title. Restriction information may be found in the ‘Description,’ ‘Requirements,’ ‘Subject Notes’ and/or ‘Class Remarks,’ so read the information carefully.
  • check to see if there are prerequisites and/or corequisites, as per the Course Listing in the University Calendar, and that you have planned to also register into these courses as well

Note: If there are required prerequisites and/or corequisites that you have planned for, you may still receive a validation error as the system can only check courses that you are actively registered in.

Example: If you are planning to take a prereq in the fall term for a winter term course, you may get a validation error for the winter course, as you are not yet registered for the fall term.

Note for students in the Elementary Route that are taking the IPT or the APT: a validation error will occur. This is because you are not yet actively registered in the EDFX 325 (for IPT), or EDFX 425 (for APT). When your registration opens, ensure that you register first into the EDFX 325 when taking the IPT, or register first into the EDFX 425 when taking the APT.

Note for students in the Secondary Route that are taking the IPT and APT back-to-back in the upcoming fall and winter terms: a validation error will occur for the APT courses. This is because you are not yet actively registered for the fall term, the system cannot "read" that you plan to take these courses in fall. When your registration opens, please proceed with the fall IPT first, and then the winter APT.

You will need to register first for any pre/coreqs when registration opens, and then proceed with the other courses. If you still have issues after registering for the required pre/coreqs, contact for assistance.

Does the course have prerequisites or corequisites?

Prerequisites and corequisites are coded on classes, as per the Course Listing in the University Calendar. Students must have the required prereq and/or coreqs in order to register.

If you are a student who has received transfer credit for prereqs and/or coreqs, you may need manual registration help as the registration system can have issues recognizing transfer credit. If you have completed the required prereqs and/or coreqs, and still cannot register, contact for assistance.
Is the course restricted to students in a specific program, or until a specific date?

Registration in some courses is restricted to students in specific programs and/or faculties. Refer to the course details using the drop down arrow next to the course title. Restriction information may be found in the ‘Description,’ ‘Requirements,’ ‘Subject Notes’ and/or ‘Class Remarks,’ so read the information carefully (ex. some courses in the Faculty of Education have sections that are restricted to Elementary students and sections that are restricted to Secondary students).

Some courses have special registration dates for groups of students based on program and/or faculty. Registration is set up this way so that students in a specific program/faculty have priority when it comes to registering in these courses. Click the drop down arrow to the right of the course title in My Schedule Builder to see if the course has special registration dates (ex. courses offered by the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation, like KIN, often have special registration dates).

Is the course closed to web registration?

In some cases, there will be a contact email address listed in the course details (click the drop down arrow to the right of the course title) in My Schedule Builder. If not, you must contact the department or teaching area that teaches the course for assistance.

Do you have a hold on your account?

You will not be able to register if there is a hold on your account. If you attempt to register and receive the error that you have a hold on your account, you will need to clear this hold before you will be able to register. Refer to Financial Holds.

Do you need to change your program in Bear Tracks?

If you have been newly admitted to the Faculty of Education for the Fall Term and you are transferring from another program or faculty at the University of Alberta, you must change your program to Education in Bear Tracks for the Fall and Winter Terms. You can do this by selecting the 'Manage Classes' tile and then the 'Change Program' tab. You will need to change your program for both the Fall and Winter terms which means you must complete this step twice (one for Fall and one for Winter).

Who do I contact if I still need help registering for courses?

If you find that you are getting the error message “restrictions not met” or some variation of this, please read the error message notes, as well as the course details (click the drop down arrow next to course title) on My Schedule Builder. If you are not able to resolve the registration issue, you may need to contact the department or teaching area that offers the course.

You can find out which faculty and department offers a course by checking Course Listings in Bear Tracks. Contact information for non-ED teaching departments can be found at the main University of Alberta website in the Faculties & Programs tab.

For Education courses (prefixes of EDCT, EDEL, EDES, EDIT, EDPY, EDPS, EDU, EDSE, and INT D 404,), you will need to contact

Please include the following information when sending an email from your ualberta email account:

  • First and Last Name
  • ID #
  • Course number
  • Section
  • Term (Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer)
  • copy of your Program Sheet or indicate if you have the Academic Requirements Report in Bear Tracks
How do I find courses offered via internet?

The instruction mode for a course indicates how a course will be taught. Some courses are offered via internet instead of in-person. For more information regarding the different instruction modes, including definitions, please visit the Office of the Registrars UAB Reg website. To find courses offered online:

  1. Go to Bear Tracks
  2. Click in as a guest or log in as a student. 
  3. Click on the “My Schedule Builder” tile. 
  4. Pick the term you want to search in.
  5. Enter a class to search for (i.e. 'EDPS' or 'EDPS 410') and click enter. 
  6. Click on “Mode of Instruction” above the search bar and uncheck ‘In person’.
  7. Look for the mouse icon next to specific class sections.
How do I find courses offered in the evening or weekend?

To find courses that are offered in the evening or weekend, or at a specific time of day:

  1. Go to Bear Tracks 
  2. Click in as a guest or log in as a student.
  3. Click on the 'My Schedule Builder’ tile.
  4. Pick the term you want to search in.
  5. Click on ‘Advanced Search’ in ‘Select Course field’
  6. Select the criteria (Days Permitted, Start After Time, End Before Time, etc) and select the days and times you are looking for.

COURSES IN THAT TERM THAT FIT WITHIN THOSE DAYS/TIMES WILL BE DISPLAYED. If there are no times/days to select then no courses are available that match your selections.

How can I make sure that my course selections are accurate?

If you want a Student Advisor to check your registration to ensure that your course selections are accurate and you are on track with your program, submit a request for a Registration Check to Education Student Services. Upon receipt of your request for a Registration Check, a Student Advisor will check your registration in Bear Tracks and respond with feedback/advice to your @ualberta email. At this time, you will also receive an updated copy of your Program Sheet.

NOTE: Student Advisors must be able to view your registration in Bear Tracks, which means that you must be enrolled in courses, to complete a Registration Check and update your program sheet.

We strongly recommend that you get regular Registration Checks done throughout your program. It is our experience that students who get regular Registration Checks are less likely to run into issues with graduation at the end of their program.

How do I choose Education Electives, Non-Education Options, and Open Options?

To meet the Education Elective requirement on the BEd program sheet, students may choose any 300 or 400-level undergraduate Faculty of Education course.

Please see Bear Tracks for Education courses offered in the following areas:

  • EDEL - Elementary Education
  • EDES - Elementary and Secondary Education (Dept of Elementary or Secondary)
  • EDSE - Secondary Education
  • EDCT - Career Technology Studies (Dept of Secondary)
  • EDPS - Educational Policy Studies
  • INT D 404 Global Citizenship: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives (Educational Policy Studies)
  • EDAE - Adult Education (Dept of Educational Policy Studies)
  • EDPY - Educational Psychology
  • EDIT - Instructional Technology (Dept of Educational Psychology)
  • EDFX - Field Experience

*Note: Some Education courses may not be available to students seeking Electives. Please refer to Bear Tracks for prerequisites, course restrictions (click the drop down arrow next to course title), and availability.

Non-Education Options can be chosen from any course that is not offered by the Faculty of Education. You can find out which department offers a course by checking the Course Catalog in Bear Tracks.

An Open Option can be any course offered by the Faculty of Education or from another faculty at the U of A.

When selecting electives and options, you may wish to consider focusing on a specific topic by taking relevant courses to develop your capacity in that area. Please see additional information about selecting education electives and open options.

St. Joseph’s College at the University of Alberta offers a Certificate in Catholic Education to provide additional special qualifications in the area of Catholic elementary and secondary education. The courses required for the certificate may be able to be used in the Bachelor of Education as Open Options, Non-Education Options, or as Extra to Degree courses. Please see the St. Joseph’s College website for further information about the Certificate.

How do I register for IPT/APT?

Pre-service teachers can prepare for their field experience by viewing the Faculty of Education Field Experience website, which includes information on the using the campusBRIDGE portal, placement guidelines, and Police Information Check and Alberta Intervention Record Check requirements. Registration in the Introductory Professional Term (IPT) and Advanced Professional Term (APT) is a two-step process. 

  1. Register in the appropriate courses in Bear Tracks through My Schedule Builder (refer to your Program Sheet/Academic Requirements Report for a specific list of courses). Also, see the Additional Registration tips area below for Elementary and Secondary specific IPT and APT information.
  2. At least 24 hours after you have registered in Bear Tracks, complete the online registration for the Field Experience found on the Field Experiences’ website at

The most common question we get from students related to the IPT and APT relates to how these terms work. Below is some information on the breakdown of each term.

Introductory Professional Term (IPT)

The IPT is divided into two parts. The first part includes coursework on campus and the second part includes your field experience in an elementary or secondary school. Although the two parts are related to one another they do not overlap.

On-Campus Coursework

For the first nine weeks of the term, you are in classes on campus. Within this 9-week period, you attend classes, participate in an on-campus seminar related to your field experience and complete three observation days in an elementary or secondary school. At the end of this nine-week period, you write final exams for your courses.

The Field Experience

After your final exams, you will begin your Introductory Field Experience (IFX) which lasts a total of five weeks and takes place in an elementary or secondary school under the mentorship of a teacher. For more information about the IFX, please refer to the Field Experiences’ website at

Advanced Professional Term (APT)

The APT is divided into two parts. The first part includes coursework on campus and the second part includes your field experience in an elementary or secondary school. Although the two parts are related to one another they do not overlap.

On-Campus Coursework

For the first five weeks of the term, you are in classes on campus. At the end of five weeks, you write final exams.

The Field Experience

After your final exams, you will begin your Advanced Field Experience (AFX) which lasts a total of nine weeks and takes place in an elementary or secondary school under the mentorship of a teacher. For more information about the AFX, please refer to the Field Experiences’ website at

Additional Registration Tips

Elementary Route Students

400-level EDELs for Elementary Route

There are no 400-level EDELs offered in fall terms. 400-level EDEL courses are normally only offered in the winter term. If you need advising assistance with planning your remaining courses based on when 400-level EDELs are offered, please contact a student advisor at

EDEL 305 and EDEL 316 registration

Students looking to register in EDEL 305 or EDEL 316 in the fall term preceding the IPT must have completed/be registered in the prerequisites and/or corequisites, as per the Course Listing in the University Calendar. Registration for these courses should be completed as follows:

  • One of EDEL 305 OR EDEL 316 in the Fall term that precedes the IPT
  • The remaining EDEL 305 OR EDEL 316 in the Winter term IPT
    • Students should not be taking both EDEL 305 and EDEL 316 in the same term

Note: EDEL 305 and EDEL 316 are restricted to 3rd year students.

IPT Registration (Only Offered in Winter Terms for Elementary)

IPT Courses will be N or Q sections

Register into a section of EDFX 325 First

  • For students in the Elementary Route IPT, the EDFX 325 registration needs to be done BEFORE the 300-level EDEL registration will process on Bear Tracks.

Courses Needed for the IPT

  • EDEL 305 or 316: this is a 3-credit course
  • EDEL 330 or 335: this is a 3-credit course
  • EDPY 303: this is a 3-credit course, and you must choose a section that is for Elementary students (see clipboard symbol on Bear Tracks for course notes)
  • EDFX 325: this is a 6-credit course. Also see "How do I register for IPT/APT?" above for more information about the EDFX registration – it is a two-step process
APT Registration (Only Offered in Fall Terms for Elementary)

APT Course will be G or H sections

Register into a section of EDFX 425 First

  • For students in the Elementary Route APT, the EDFX 425 registration needs to be done BEFORE the 300-level EDEL registration will process on Bear Tracks.

Courses Needed for the APT

  • EDEL 330 or 335: this is a 3-credit course
  • EDPY 301: this is a 3-credit course
  • EDFX 425: this is a 9-credit course. Also see "How do I register for IPT/APT?" above for more information about the EDFX registration – it is a two-step process

Secondary Route Students

EDSE 3XX Minors Courses

EDU 100/300, EDU 210, and EDU 211 are the pre/co-requisites for the following EDSE Minors courses:

  • EDSE 305, EDSE 313, EDSE 318, EDSE 323, EDSE 328, EDSE 333, EDSE 338, EDSE 344, EDSE 348, EDSE 356, EDSE 369, EDSE 370, EDSE 374

Students will need to have the EDU 100/300, EDU 210, and EDU 211 courses completed or be registered in them PRIOR to registering in the EDSE 3XX minors course.

Important Notes:

  1. These minors courses are not part of the IPT or APT, and cannot be taken in while in the IPT or APT.
  2. Some minors courses are only offered in specific terms – refer to your program sheet to determine if you have a minors course that is only offered in a specific term.

If you have questions about planning when to take your minors course, please get in touch with an advisor at

IPT Registration

Students looking to register in the IPT must have completed the prerequisites, as per the Course Listing in the University Calendar - EDU 100/300, EDU 210, EDU 211, EDPY 304, and at least 9 credits from the major area.

Courses needed for the IPT

You will need to register in the following courses BEFORE registering in EDFX 350

  • EDSE 3XX for your major: this is a 3-credit course (see program sheet for the exact course number)
  • EDSE 307: this is a 3-credit course
  • EDPY 303: this is a 3-credit course, and you must choose a section that is for Secondary students. See the course details (click drop down arrow next to course title) on My Schedule Builder.

Register in EDFX 350

  • EDFX 350: this is a 6-credit course. Registering in EDFX 350 is a two-step process.  Please see "How do I register for IPT/APT?" above for more information
APT Registration

IPT must be taken/registered in before taking/registering for the APT. Students must have also completed at least 24 credits in the major area, as per the Course Listing in the University Calendar.

Courses Needed for the APT

You will need to register in the following course BEFORE registering in EDFX 450

  • EDSE 4XX for your major: this is a 6-credit course (see program sheet for the exact course number)

Register in EDFX 450

  • EDFX 450: this is a 9-credit course. Registering in EDFX 450 is a two-step process.  Please see "How do I register for IPT/APT?" above for more information
Issues with EDSE 4XX section registration

If you have completed the IPT, and are not able to register for EDSE 4XX it is very likely that you are not registering for the section that is for your major.

Please review the course details (click drop down arrow next to course title) on My Schedule Builder. The notes will tell you what major each section is for.

Additional Notes

Registration Check

After you have registered in BOTH Fall and Winter courses, you can submit a Registration Check. A Registration Check is for students who still have courses to complete in their degree after registering in the Fall and Winter terms. Submitting a Registration Check will prompt your Education Student Advisor to check if your course selections are accurate, and if you are on track in your program.

Program planning questions can be sent to your Education Student Advisor by email,

Graduation Check

Once you have fully registered in the final courses for your degree please submit a Graduation Check to ensure you are on track to graduate.

Program planning questions can be sent to your Education Student Advisor by email,