Research Presentations

Becoming Deaf in the Posthumanist Era: Posthumanism, Arts-Based Research and Deaf Education


Comics and the dreamy, anxious underworld of teacher education


2024 Celebrating Socially Transformative Research and Teaching

Celebrating Socially Transformative Research and Teaching, the first in-person showcase of Faculty-wide research and teaching excellence of the 2020s, took place on Thursday, March 28, in the 4th-floor lounge of Education Centre North. As an opportunity to share and discuss the astonishing range of impactful work taking place in the Faculty, it was long overdue, but it was just as important to come together and honour the amazing community of researchers, educators, students and staff that contribute to the environment where such transformative work can happen.

More than 60 poster presentations spanning every program area, institute and centre in the Faculty, as well as three live presentations in the Arts-based Research Studio, attested to the sweeping depth and breadth of research taking place here, and demonstrated that socially transformative research and teaching is no mere catchphrase but a promise made good by our incredible scholars and students.

Please explore the presentation program to find links to some of the open-access posters presented at the event. The event handbill showcases the researchers who were recognized during the event.