All service request forms are reviewed by Student Advisors and responded to via email. Service requests will only be processed once the appropriate request form and documentation (if required) are submitted to Education Student Services.
If you want a Student Advisor to check your registration to ensure that your course selections are accurate and you are on track with your program, submit a request for a Registration Check.
This request form is for those students who have a Program Sheet and need their registration reviewed, and their Program Sheet updated.
Is there an issue with your Academic Advisement Report? For example, are you registered in a course to meet a specific requirement of your degree, and it is not fulfilling that requirement according to your Academic Advisement Report in Bear Tracks? Submit a request for an Academic Requirements Check.
For a list of eligible Education programs that use the Academic Advisement Report, along with information including 'how-to' videos, please visit Guide to Academic Advisement Report.
This request is for students in an eligible program that use the Academic Advisement Report on Bear Tracks.
This document outlines the appeals policy and procedures for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Education. Graduate students in the Faculty of Education should consult the Office of the Dean for information related to appeals policy and procedures.
Refer to the above linked document for important details and the proper order of procedure, but please be aware of the important deadlines noted below for an appeal to the Associate Dean or delegate.
Informal Appeals Procedures
The process for informal grade appeal in the Faculty of Education is as follows:
The student must first meet with the course instructor or the Subject/Program Area Coordinator, if the instructor is unavailable.
If, after the student has made a reasonable effort to resolve the matter with the instructor, the matter cannot be resolved, the student shall then discuss their concerns with the appropriate Vice Dean. For students in the secondary program, please contact Dr. Jorge Sousa ( For students in the elementary program, please contact Dr. Jacqueline Leighton (
One of the Vice Deans will investigate the concern further and may meet with both the student and instructor to mediate the issue.
If the matter is not resolved, students may appeal to the Associate Dean, Undergraduate. Grade appeals, with supporting documentation must be submitted to the Associate Dean Undergraduate no later than the following deadlines:
- February 15th for Fall term courses
- June 15th for full-year and Winter term courses
- July 15th for Spring term courses
- September 15th for Summer term courses
Formal Appeals Procedure
In the event of an adverse decision, students may initiate a formal appeal after the student has exhausted potential remedies available through informal procedures, and if the student believes there has been an error or unfair treatment, a formal appeal may be initiated. Formal appeals are to be submitted to the Faculty of Education Academic Appeals Committee (FEAAC). A copy of the Faculty of Education Academic Appeals Undergraduate Policies and Procedures is available online.
Please note that requests for a change of major and/or minor are reviewed by a committee considering the following: capacity in a particular major or minor, potential field experience capacity, and Grade Point Average.
Committee review timelines:
Change of Majors/Minors may take up to 15 business days to process
If you are submitting a request for permission to change your major and/or minor, make note of the following details:
* Secondary Education students are eligible for a change to major and/or minor once every 12 months. Forms will be reviewed after the add/delete deadline within the term you apply. For students approved for your change of major and/or minor it will come into effect in the term following your approval for the change.
* NEW STUDENTS: May only submit a change of major and/or minor on or AFTER October 1st of the year they were admitted, if you present a minimum of *9 credits of graded course work.
- Students who DO NOT PRESENT *9 OF GRADED COURSE WORK: may not change their major or minor until they have completed a minimum of *9 credits of graded course work.
As soon as you have registered in your final degree requirements on Bear Tracks, submit a Graduation Check to confirm that you are on track to graduate. At the same time, apply for graduation on Bear Tracks. If you are not able to apply for graduation on Bear Tracks, a Student Advisor will apply on your behalf when you submit a Graduation Check.
The deadlines for submitting a Graduation Check are as follows,
- Fall term - January 1st (convocation ceremony in June)
- Winter term - April 15th (convocation ceremony in June)
- Spring term - July 1st (convocation ceremony in November)
- Summer term - September 1st (convocation ceremony in November)
If you want to take more than *15 credits in the Fall or Winter terms, submit a request for a Fall/Winter Course Overload.
- Fall/Winter Course Overload Form Please note: Fall/Winter Course Overload Forms will be reviewed starting June 1.
If you want to take more than *6 credits in the Spring or Summer terms, submit a request for a Spring/Summer Course Overload.
- Spring/Summer Course Overload Form Please note: Spring/Summer Course Overload Forms will be reviewed on or after March 1.
If you completed a course that fulfills a degree requirement and would like credit for the course, submit a Credit Check. Your request will be reviewed by a Student Advisor provided we have a copy of your transcript.
If you would like to take a break from your program for a period of 12 months and reserve your spot in the program, submit a request to pause your program.
If you have missed a final exam due to unforeseen circumstances, bereavement, incapacitating mental and/or physical illness, severe domestic affliction, or for circumstances as described in the University's Discrimination, Harassment and Duty to Accommodate Policy, you may apply to Education Student Services to defer your final exam. Excused absences are not granted automatically and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Before applying, please make note of the following.
- As stated above, applications are not automatically approved. Education Student Services reviews the reason for your absence to see if it falls within the guidelines for granting a deferred exam and will contact your instructor to check if there are any issues with attendance/participation or outstanding coursework.
- Applications may require supporting documentation related to the reason for your absence. We may not be able to process your request until the Deferred Final Exam form and supporting documentation is provided.
- Applications are not approved in advance of your final exam. The deferred exam process is designed to address unforeseen circumstances, like incapacitating illness, that occur on the day of your exam and prevent you from being able to write.
This information applies to final exams only. If you are absent from midterm examinations or have questions regarding a deadline extension for a final assignment, you must contact your instructor.
Exchange Transfer Credit Assessment Process
Step A: Meet with a Faculty of Education Undergraduate Program Advisor to determine eligibility, transfer credit availability and academic implications. If you are unable to meet with an advisor prior to any application deadline, apply and then request a meeting. If there are no meetings available, submit a Registration Check and indicate in the comment field that you hope to go on exchange.
Step B: Contact the Go Abroad Office to determine which exchange experience is best for you.
Students going on exchange via the Education Abroad program need to complete the Education Abroad online application. Consult Go Abroad Office website for information.
Step C: Submit a Transfer Credit Request Form (see guidelines below). This step should not be initiated until after you have been nominated to the host institution by University of Alberta International and can see the courses that you will have registration access to.
Exchange Transfer Credit Request Form Guidelines
To ensure that exchange courses will transfer back to the U of A; students need to email a completed transfer credit request form to the Education Student Services Office at This form should be accompanied by separate PDF attachments of all the syllabi to be evaluated. This form should only be submitted after you have been officially accepted by the host institution and can see what courses you have registration access to.
- List 2 or 3 more courses than you plan on taking. This will give you some alternatives and allow flexibility if a course is cancelled or if you change your mind about your original selections. For example, if you plan to take 15 credits worth on exchange then submit 21 credits for assessment. The maximum number of credits/units that can be evaluated is 30 credits/units for a fall or a winter term exchange.
- Read all the syllabi you are submitting for assessment to ensure you are not trying to take a class with content that overlaps with coursework you have already completed.
- Review the Course Catalogue to find a preferred U of A course equivalent.
- NOTE: ECTS credits are only applicable for European Institutions. Institutions outside of Europe do not list ECTS credits.
Syllabi Guidelines
- Attach all course syllabi as separate individual PDFs (i.e. one PDF per course)
- Syllabi will be available from the host institution and should, ideally, contain the following information:
- Course name
- Professor name
- Number of hours the class meets per week per term
- Course description
- Required materials (textbook, cases, course packs)
- Information on assignments, exams
- Evaluation/Grading framework in the course (percentage of the total grade of each assignment, project, exam)
- Course schedule or topics the instructor will cover
- Syllabi will be available from the host institution and should, ideally, contain the following information:
If you want to take a course for your degree program at a different institution, you must first request permission from the Faculty of Education Student Services office. Your request will be reviewed by a Student Advisor once you submit a request for a Letter of Permission.
Please submit the Letter of Permission form which can also be found in the Student Services Catalogue. You will need to identify the institution you wish to attend, the course you wish to attend there, what it transfers to the UofA as and what degree requirement you want it to fill.