Master of Education in Educational Studies (M.Ed.)
STEM Ladder

The next cohort will start in Summer 2025 or Fall 2025.
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The Master of Education in Educational Studies STEM Cohort (MES STEM) is designed for teachers, educational administrators, and educational leaders who want to enhance their knowledge and practice in the areas of leadership and school improvement related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Coursework is structured to allow you to build your knowledge in an area of STEM education that is of particular interest to you. The MES provides you with opportunities to develop educational research skills and apply them in your educational context.
The MES STEM is a 10-course, course-based degree. For admission into this cohort, students must have completed a Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies (four courses; 12 credits) in either Mathematics Education, Science Education, or Technology in Education at the University of Alberta. They will complete the MES by taking six graduate-level courses (18 credits); four core courses and two electives following one of these timelines:
Start in Summer 2025

Start in Fall 2025

Students will have the option of starting their program in the summer with an elective, or in the fall with EDU 510. Electives must be taken prior to EDU 900, unless the department has granted permission for an altered course of study.
Note: a completed Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies in either Mathematics Education or Technology in Education from the University of Alberta is a prerequisite for admission into the MES STEM program. Completion of one of these certificates does not guarantee admission.

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