A screen grab from a two-minute video on the benefits of flu immunization produced by pharmacy students. Pharmacy student Daniel Leung (pictured above), directed the video which included students, faculty and friends and family.
Pharmacy students wrote, directed and starred in a two-minute video to promote the benefits of getting immunized against influenza and dispels myths surrounding flu shots. The innovative approach to communicating the benefits of flu immunization also answers some common immunization questions and highlights the important role pharmacists play in health care education.
"We were approached by RxA, the Alberta Pharmacists Association, with the idea of making a video to raise awareness about the importance of getting the flu shot and addressing common myths about the flu shot," says Helen Marin, president, Alberta Pharmacy Students Association (APSA). "APSA, our pharmacy student association, took this initiative and made it a reality."
Daniel Leung, a pharmacy student and SAF-Pharm Director, spearheaded the video, with the help of several other students. The video featured students, faculty, family, friends, the CEO of the Alberta Pharmacists Association and plush toys donated by Giant Microbes.
"We started talking about producing the video about a year ago in November 2015," says Daniel. "While the actual video filming only took a few days at many different locations, the entire project from concept and pre-production to editing to delivery took about 10 months, all while balancing school and other commitments."
Leung says the video could not have been accomplished without the vision, creativity, and hard work of the committee that undertook this project - Tony Lee, Rebecca Peat and Mike Song. Dr. Sharon Mitchell was also an invaluable help to forming the script. Videographer Jordon Hon shot and edited the video.
Flu immunization shots are available from Alberta pharmacies starting today. In 2015, more than 475,331 Albertans received their flu shots through a pharmacy or pharmacist. More than 3,909 pharmacists across Alberta have authorization to administer the flu shot by injection. Pharmacy students learn how to administer flu shots as part of their curriculum.
Some common myths that the video addresses include:
- Even if you never get the flu, it's important to get it for those people that can get the flu - vaccinations protects others
- Antibiotics don't work against the flu. Antibiotics can only treat bacterial infections, not viral ones like the flu
- The flu shot doesn't give you the flu. The virus injected is dead; it can't make you sick. But your body develops the protection against it.
The video also addresses the benefits of flu immunization including:
- Getting your influenza immunization every season is the single most effective way to protect yourself from influenza.
- All Albertans six months of age & older should be immunized each season.
- The influenza virus changes from year to year, so you should get a flu shot every year.
A University of Alberta Influenza Clinic will held on campus November 2 - 4 in the Students Union Building (Dinwoodie Lounge). More than 29 pharmacy students will be taking part administering shots in the clinic.