Our top stories that made headlines in the media in 2016. Topics ranged from an op-ed piece on natural health products, a flu immunization video, a national award, cancer-fighting drug research and Pharmacy Awareness Month.
1. Canadian Pharmacist of the Year Award. Professor Nese Yuksel received the 2016 Canadian Pharmacist of the Year Award from the Canadian Pharmacists Association. (Edmonton Sun)
2. Op-Ed: Should Canadian pharmacies sell natural health products. Professor Ubaka Ogbogu and clinical assistant professor Candace Necyk wrote an opinion-editorial piece on selling natural health products in Canadian pharmacies (Globe and Mail)
3. Save Lives, Immunize (VIDEO). Pharmacy students wrote, directed, starred in and produced a video promoting the benefits of getting your flu shot. (iNEWS880)
4. Targeting cancer with new drugs. Professor Afsaneh Lavasanifar is one of the principal investigators who is helping a team of researchers to transform the solid compounds the group's chemists make into injectable solutions the body will accept. (Leap Magazine)
5. Pharmacy Awareness Month (VIDEO). Professor Nese Yuksel and third-year student Alyssa Schmode discuss Pharmacy Awareness Month and the activities organized by the Alberta Pharmacy Students' Association. (Global TV / Twitter feed)