Program Systems

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Medical students, faculty, and staff use Cally, a network of University of Alberta developed systems designed to facilitate the teaching and learning in our medical school. They each serve a unique purpose in student learning, preceptor feedback, and clinical experience. You can use your U of A CCID to access Cally.


A comprehensive learning, data-capturing system that facilitates our Team-Based Learning, Discovery Learning, clinical assessments, OSCEs, course and preceptor evaluations, and other tasks critically needed for the MD program.


Where students will access their schedules (synced to their personal calendar) and course resources and materials.


An examination platform that has robust student feedback systems and reports on longitudinal performance of students.


A dynamic student portfolio that links student performance data and facilitates review for mentoring.


A data dashboard providing oversight on timely submission of feedback, audit of clinical encounters, and other information relevant to the program.


Repository of exam questions.


Academic and electives module, class lists and grades.