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FoMD Alumni Advisory Council

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Alumni Advisory Council (AAC) provides advice on the faculty's alumni relations strategy and supports the faculty's alumni programs through attendance at events and volunteerism on special projects and committees. Members of the AAC provide insights into the needs and lives of FoMD alumni in different life stages and career journeys. The AAC is responsible for advising and supporting the FoMD’s alumni engagement strategy which aims to connect alumni to their alma mater in ways that are meaningful and supportive to them. While many alumni are also donors to the University, the alumni engagement strategies that the AAC focuses on are not centered on philanthropy outcomes.

The AAC is made up of alumni and students from across FoMD programs including Medicine, Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Radiation Therapy and FoMD graduate studies programs. All members are appointed for a two year term by the Dean of the FoMD. There are five meetings per year. Two are in-person and three are held virtually via Zoom. Members must be able to attend the in-person meetings in Edmonton.

AAC members serve on one of three working committees of the AAC:

Student Engagement:  Connects with FoMD students and student groups and provides support to them in their efforts to connect with alumni. The committee is responsible for building relationships with students and student groups and supporting student-led activities by infusing alumni messaging or an alumni presence.

Recognition:  Responsible for activities that provide profile and recognition to FoMD’s alumni. This committee facilitates Alumni Award nominations for FoMD alumni, either by leading the nomination process or by asking others in their networks to lead a nomination package. The committee also advises on the content related to alumni recognition for the FoMD Connects Alumni E-Newsletter (quarterly). In addition, this committee will provide advice on an annual recognition event for the faculty.

Career Support:  Create career support programming for FoMD alumni and students. Engage with alumni who can share their career stories and advice. Connect alumni through the Alumni-to-Alumni Mentoring Program and other avenues.

View the Terms of Reference »

Member Recruitment

The AAC is currently seeking new alumni members to begin their term on September 1, 2024. Alumni are being recruited from all FoMD programs: medicine, dentistry, dental hygiene, medical laboratory sciences, radiation therapy and graduate studies.

Apply to join »

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Support FoMD student activities

There are many ways alumni can add value to student activities, including but not limited to:

  • Speaking at an event / sharing stories
  • Sharing career advice and insights
  • Participating in mentorship activities
  • Contributing ideas and advice to a student executive board as an alumni representative
  • Connections with industry and organizations
  • Social and networking opportunities

Complete this form to be added to the list of potential volunteers for when students request alumni support.

Alumni Association Council

The Alumni Association Council represents the body of more than 275,000 University of Alberta graduates who make up the Alumni Association (serves all alumni from all faculties). Councillors provide advice, determine programming and work closely with the University of Alberta to strengthen the relationship alumni have with their alma mater and with each other. As well as being on council, members also sit on one of several sub-committees. The council is comprised of representatives for each faculty in addition to several Members at Large.

How to join:

The deadline to apply is February 28. More information on volunteering with the Alumni Association Council.

Dental Hygiene Alumni Chapter

The Dental Hygiene Alumni Chapter is a group of Dental Hygiene alumni who volunteer to plan social and professional development events specifically for Dental Hygiene alumni. More information.

How to join:

To volunteer, email

Dental Alumni Association

The Dental Alumni Association is a group of Dental alumni who volunteer to plan social and professional development events specifically for dental alumni and students. More information.

How to join:

Other Volunteer Opportunities

There are many other exciting and engaging volunteer opportunities throughout the year, from mentoring students to community service. Find volunteer opportunities »

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