Message to Students from the Interim Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

4 September 2018

Welcome to a new academic year! The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) is home to more than 7000 graduate students in more than 500 programs, with the most diverse student body on campus. The varied experiences and diverse perspectives you bring to the university enrich our ways of thinking and innovating. I hope you will take advantage of the many opportunities to learn from each other.

FGSR's mission is to support you to reach your potential as both scholars and professionals by providing the highest quality service. Our staff and the team of Associate Deans are committed to working in partnership with the departments and faculties to support you at every stage of your journey. If you need assistance navigating university regulations, if you want to access various resources on campus, or if you require information on registration and fees, scholarships, and special funding opportunities, please visit us in Triffo Hall, explore our website, or email

Empowering students for their futures in the broadest sense is one of my top priorities as Interim Dean. FGSR offers an array of opportunities for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to develop their academic and professional skills. I encourage you to take advantage of workshops on research ethics, intellectual property, and applying for scholarships. The Graduate Teaching and Learning Program is designed to help you refine your instructional skills. You can sharpen your professional skills by attending our professional development workshops and becoming a community volunteer. We also support you with access to high-quality mentorship and work experience opportunities through our Career Mentoring Program for Graduate Students and the Graduate Student Internship Program.

FGSR is engaging the campus in lively discussions on important questions about how we must adapt to our changing environment. How do we build future-focused interdisciplinary and community-engaged graduate programs? How can we be informed allies in the process of reconciliation, and better support our FNMI students? I encourage you to contribute to shaping the future for graduate studies through involvement in university governance and other collaborative opportunities across campus and in the wider community.

We are pleased to welcome you as junior colleagues into our community of exceptional scholars, educators, and dedicated administrators. As you make this beautiful campus, this vibrant city, and these world-class facilities and collections your own, we're here to support you on your path to success. Best wishes as you begin, or continue, your journey of growth and learning in the FGSR community.

Yours truly,

Dr. Debby Burshtyn
Interim Vice-Provost and Dean
Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research