Non-Matriculated (Mature) Students

To be considered for admission as a non-matriculated applicant, a student must be 21 years of age or older by September 1st of the year in which admission is sought.


Non-matriculated applicants with no previous transferable post-secondary coursework (or less than 9*) will be considered for admission based on a competitive average in:
  1. English 30-1
  2. 1 subject from group A, B, or C.
Non-matriculated applicants who have completed between 9 and 22.5 credits of transferable post-secondary coursework will be considered for admission based on the following:
  1. English 30-
  2. A minimum 70% average in 1 subject from group A, B, or C.
    A competitive average on all transferable post-secondary coursework completed.

Any applicant who has successfully completed 24 credits or more at the post-secondary level will be considered as a transfer applicant, regardless of age.

All applicants applying to the Bachelor of Education program at the University of Alberta are required to complete the Casper test as part of their application. More information about the Casper test requirement can be found here

Admissions Chart

Classification of high school courses used for admission:

Grade 12 courses listed below are based on the Alberta Education curriculum. Prospective students from other provinces and territories should review the Grade 12 entry-level equivalents on the Office of the Registrar website. The acceptable Alberta academic Grade 12 courses, other than English Language Arts 30-1, have been placed in three groups below.

Admissions Chart
Group A (Humanities/Social Sciences, Languages other than English) Group B (Fine Arts) Group C (Maths/Sciences)
  1. Social Studies 30-1
  2. 30-level Language other than English
  3. Aboriginal Studies 30
  4. Microeconomics/Macroeconomics 30 (must be presented together)


  1. Applied Graphic Arts 35
  2. Art 30
  3. Art 31
  4. Communication Technology Advanced Level-Career and Technology Studies (CTS)
  5. Dance 35
  6. Drama 30
  7. Music 30 (Choral, Instrumental or General) (see Note 2)
  8. Music 35
  9. Musical Theatre 35
  10. Performing Arts 35 A, B, or C

Additional Fine Arts courses may be considered. For more information, contact the Admissions Division, Office of the Registrar.

  1. Biology 30
  2. Chemistry 30
  3. Mathematics 30-1
  4. Mathematics 30-2 (see Note 3)
  5. Mathematics 31
  6. Physics 30
  7. Science 30
  8. Computing Science (CSE) Advanced Level-Career and Technology Studies (CTS)



  1. Any one French 30 (3 year or 9 year), French 31A, 31B, 31C; French Language Arts 20-1, 30-1, 30-2; Français 20-1, 30-1, 30-2 may be used as a 30-level Language course for admission purposes. In the case of French Language Arts 30-1, Français 30-1, and French 31A, 31B, or 31C, advanced placement may be granted upon application. Applicants to Faculté Saint-Jean must present one of French 30 (3 year)*, French 30 (9 year), French 31A, 31B, 31C; French Language Arts 30-1, 30-2; Français 30-1, 30-2, to meet the French requirement for admission purposes. French 30 (3 year)* may be used for admission based on a successful French language placement test. Contact the Faculté Saint-Jean for more information.
  2. Blackfoot Language and Culture 30; Cree Language and Culture 30; Chinese Language Arts 20, 30; Chinese Language and Culture 30; German Language Arts 20, 30; German Language and Culture 30; Italian Language and Culture 30; Japanese Language and Culture 30; Latin 30; Spanish Language Arts 20, 30; Spanish Language and Culture 30; Ukrainian Language Arts 20, 30; and Ukrainian Language and Culture 30 may be used as 30-level Language courses for admission. There are a number of 35-level, locally developed language courses which may also be used for admission. Applicants wishing to present a 35-level Language course should contact the Admissions Division, Office of the Registrar.
  3. Applicants wishing to present a language other than one of those presented at the Grade 12 level in Alberta should contact the Admissions Division, Office of the Registrar.
  4. Equivalents of Music 30: Conservatory Canada, Grade 8 Practical and Grade IV Theory; Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto, Grade 8 Practical, Grade II Theory, Mount Royal University, Grade 8 Practical and Grade II Theory. Documents must be presented to Alberta Education for evaluation.
  5. All students are required to demonstrate English Language Proficiency and Spoken English Proficiency in addition to meeting the admission requirements for their program of choice.

* The number of new students admitted to any particular program or year of a program may vary depending on the number of available places and the promotion, departure, or graduation of continuing students. While the minimum admission average is 70% for high school applicants, and a minimum GPA of 2.0 for postsecondary applicants, all admissions are competitive and the actual admission averages may be higher than the minimum.

For additional admissions information, consult the University of Alberta calendar: