Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies

Teaching English Language Learners

Application deadline extended to April 30, 2025.

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Proficiency in everyday and academic English supports English language learners' academic success. The GCES - Teaching English Language Learners is designed to equip educators with specialized knowledge and skills to effectively teach English through subject matter content. An emphasis is placed on integrating language learning with academic content, making it ideal for teachers working with English language learners (ELLs) in diverse educational settings.

Things to note:

Program Goals

Through this certificate, educators will:

  • Develop their foundational knowledge of the processes involved in learning English as an additional language
  • Deepen their awareness of academic language and the role it plays in academic success
  • Enhance their ability to create language objectives that support content learning goals
  • Gain strategies and skills for meeting the language learning needs of ELLs in content-area classes

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