Faculty Members
Here you’ll find a list of our faculty members. Click on a name to explore their profile and learn more about their teaching and research interests. For a full list of people associated with the Faculty of Education, please visit our People Collection.
Name |
Contact |
Teaching and Research Area |
Dr. Marilyn Abbott | mabbott@ualberta.ca | Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) |
Dr. Cathy Adams | caadams@ualberta.ca | Educational Technology and Secondary Education, Computer Science Education |
Dr. Danielle Allard | allard@ualberta.ca | School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) |
Dr. Jonathan Anuik | anuik@ualberta.ca | Educational Policy Studies |
Dr. Darlene Auger | dpauger@ualberta.ca | ATEP, Indigenous Peoples Education (IPE) |
Dr. Sarah Auger | sla3@ualberta.ca | ATEP, Indigenous Peoples Education (IPE) |
Dr. Ava Becker | abecker@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Language & Literacy |
Dr. Jennifer Branch-Mueller | jbranch@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Teacher-Librarianship Education |
Dr. Heather Brown | hbrown2@ualberta.ca | Psychological Studies in Education - Research (PSE) |
Dr. Katie Brubacher | kbrubach@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Language & Literacy |
Dr. Okan Bulut | bulut@ualberta.ca | Measurement, Evaluation, and Data Science (MEDS) |
Dr. Mike Carbonaro | mcarbona@ualberta.ca | Educational Technology |
Dr. Trudy Cardinal | tmcardin@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Indigenous Pedagogies and Relational Curriculum |
Dr. Sara Carpenter | sara3@ualberta.ca | Adult Community Higher Education (ACHE) |
Dr. Taymy Caso | caso@ualberta.ca | Counselling Psychology (CP) |
Dr. David Chorney | dchorney@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Physical Education |
Dr. Diane Conrad | dhconrad@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Drama |
Dr. Damien Cormier | dcormier@ualberta.ca | School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP) |
Dr. Ying Cui | yc@ualberta.ca | Measurement, Evaluation, and Data Science (MEDS) |
Dr. Joe Da Costa | jdacosta@ualberta.ca | Studies in Educational Leadership (SEL) |
Dr. Alexandre Da Costa | adacosta@ualberta.ca | Social Justice and International Studies in Education (SJI) |
Dr. Dia Da Costa | ddacosta@ualberta.ca | Social Justice and International Studies in Education (SJI) |
Dr. Lia Daniels | lia1@ualberta.ca | Psychological Studies in Education - Research (PSE) |
Dr. Kent den Heyer | kdenheye@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Social Studies |
Dr. Dwayne Donald | ddonald@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Native Studies/Indigenous Education |
Dr. William Dunn | wdunn@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, English as a Second Language |
Dr. TJ Dust | tdust@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Music Education |
Dr. Claudia Eppert | eppert@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Curriculum Studies, English Language Arts Education |
Dr. Alexandra Fidyk | fidyk@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Social Studies |
Dr. Jennifer Foote | jfoote@ualberta.ca | Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) |
Dr. Kenneth Gariepy | kdgariepy@ualberta.ca | School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) |
Dr. George Georgiou | georgiou@ualberta.ca | Special Education |
Dr. Mark Gierl | mgierl@ualberta.ca | Measurement, Evaluation, and Data Science (MEDS) |
Dr. Florence Glanfield | glanfiel@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Mathematics Education |
Dr. Douglas Gleddie | dgleddie@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Health and Physical Education |
Dr. Denyse Hayward | dhayward@ualberta.ca | Special Education |
Dr. Marc Higgins | marc1@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (ATEP) |
Dr. Janice Huber | jhuber@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Indigenous Pedagogies and Relational Curriculum |
Dr. Rebecca Hudson Breen | hudsonbr@ualberta.ca | Counselling Psychology (CP) |
Dr. Darryl Hunter | dhunter2@ualberta.ca | Studies in Educational Leadership (SEL) |
Dr. Heather Kanuka | hakanuka@ualberta.ca | Adult Community Higher Education (ACHE), Studies in Educational Leadership (SEL) |
Dr. Dip Kapoor | dkapoor@ualberta.ca | Social Justice and International Studies in Education (SJI) |
Dr. Mijung Kim | mijung@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Science Education |
Dr. Sharla King | sjk1@ualberta.ca | Psychological Studies in Education - Research (PSE) |
Dr. Anna Kirova | akirova@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education |
Dr. Yuliya Kotelnikova | kotelnik@ualberta.ca | School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP) |
Dr. Linda Laidlaw | llaidlaw@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Language & Literacy |
Dr. Denise Larsen | djlarsen@ualberta.ca | Counselling Psychology (CP) |
Dr. Kent Lee | kklee@ualberta.ca | Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) |
Dr. Jacqueline Leighton | jleighto@ualberta.ca | Psychological Studies in Education - Research (PSE) |
Dr. Sean Lessard | slessard@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Social Studies |
Dr. David Lewkowich | lewkowic@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, English Language Arts |
Dr. Josh Markle | jmarkle@ualberta.ca | Mathematics Education |
Dr. Janelle McFeetors | mcfeetor@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Mathematics Education |
Dr. Lynn McGarvey | lmcg@ualberta.ca | Mathematics Education |
Dr. Michael McNally | mmcnally@ualberta.ca | School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) |
Dr. Lynn McQuarrie | lmm5@ualberta.ca | Special Education |
Dr. Lydia Menna | menna@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Language & Literacy |
Dr. Noorfarah Merali | nmerali@ualberta.ca | Counselling Psychology (CP) |
Dr. James Miles | jamiles@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Social Studies |
Dr. Hayley Morrison | hjmorris@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Health and Physical Education |
Dr. Martin Mrazik | mrazik@ualberta.ca | School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP) |
Dr. Norma Nocente | nnocente@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Science Education |
Dr. Tami Oliphant | toliphan@ualberta.ca | School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) |
Dr. Carla Peck | peck1@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Social Studies Curriculum & Pedagogy |
Dr. Jerine Pegg | jerine@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Science Education |
Dr. Jacqueline Pei | jpei@ualberta.ca | School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP) |
Dr. Patti Pente | pente@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Art Education |
Dr. Cheryl Poth | cpoth@ualberta.ca | Measurement, Evaluation, and Data Science (MEDS) |
Dr. Larry Prochner | prochner@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education |
Dr. Leila Ranta | lranta@ualberta.ca | Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) |
Dr. Dinesh Rathi | drathi@ualberta.ca | School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) |
Dr. Brenda Reyes Ayala | reyesaya@ualberta.ca | School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) |
Dr. Christina Rinaldi | crinaldi@ualberta.ca | School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP) |
Dr. Kathy Robinson | kr10@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Music Education |
Dr. Sonya Sachar | ssachar@ualberta.ca | Elementary Education, Language & Literacy |
Dr. Toni Samek | asamek@ualberta.ca | School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) |
Dr. Lynette Shultz | lshultz@ualberta.ca | Studies in Educational Leadership (SEL) |
Dr. Phillip Sevigny | psevigny@ualberta.ca | Counselling Psychology (CP), School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP) |
Dr. Ali Shiri | ashiri@ualberta.ca | School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) |
Dr. Veronica Smith | vs2@ualberta.ca | Psychological Studies in Education - Research (PSE) |
Dr. Rebecca Sockbeson | rss5@ualberta.ca | Indigenous Peoples Education (IPE) |
Dr. Jorge Sousa | sousa@ualberta.ca | Adult Community Higher Education (ACHE) |
Dr. Evelyn Steinhauer | evelyn@ualberta.ca | Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (ATEP), Indigenous Peoples Education (IPE) |
Dr. Noella Steinhauer | noella@ualberta.ca | Studies in Educational Leadership (SEL) |
Dr. Patricia Steinhauer-Hill | pjs1@ualberta.ca | Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (ATEP), Indigenous Peoples Education (IPE) |
Dr. Bonnie Stelmach | bonnies@ualberta.ca | Studies in Educational Leadership (SEL) |
Dr. Makere Stewart-Harawira | makere@ualberta.ca | Social Justice and International Studies in Education (SJI) |
Dr. Lauren Sulz | lsulz@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Health and Physical Education |
Dr. Gregory Thomas | gthomas1@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Science Education |
Dr. Giselle Thompson | gthomps1@ualberta.ca | Social Justice and International Studies in Education (SJI) |
Dr. Melissa Tremblay | mkd@ualberta.ca | School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP) |
Dr. Jennifer Tupper | jatupper@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Social Studies |
Dr. Jessica Van Vliet | jvvliet@ualberta.ca | Counselling Psychology (CP) |
Dr. Gwendolyn Villebrun | gvillebr@ualberta.ca | Counselling Psychology (CP) |
Dr. Lesly Wade-Woolley | wadewool@ualberta.ca | Special Education |
Dr. Jason Wallin | jjwallin@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Art |
Dr. Bonita Watt | bwatt@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Bridging Pathway/Program and Career and Technology Studies (CTS) |
Dr. Joanne Weber | jweber1@ualberta.ca | Special Education |
Dr. William Whelton | wwhelton@ualberta.ca | Counselling Psychology (CP) |
Dr. Randy Wimmer | rwimmer@ualberta.ca | Adult Community Higher Education (ACHE), Studies in Educational Leadership (SEL) |
Dr. Kwesi Yaro | kyaro@ualberta.ca | Secondary Education, Mathematics Education |
Dr. Sophie Yohani | sparkins@ualberta.ca | Counselling Psychology (CP) |
Dr. Dangzhi Zhao | dzhao@ualberta.ca | School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) |