Canvas Build-Space: A supported space to build your Canvas course

Feb. 25, Mar. 6 or Mar. 12 | 9 a.m. to Noon | B-12, Cameron Library (Basement), North Campus

Join one (or more) of our Canvas Build Spaces, an in-person co-working space to design and build your Canvas course(s) for the upcoming Spring, Summer, and Fall terms. In this informal setting, CTL facilitators will circulate the room and provide individualized pedagogical support to University of Alberta instructors and staff as they use Canvas tools and strategies. This space allows you to:

  • minimize distractions
  • problem-solve the eClass to Canvas transition
  • receive pedagogical feedback
  • seize opportunities for idea sharing among colleagues

All levels of experience with Canvas are welcome. 

  • Tuesday, February 25 | 9 a.m. to Noon | B-12, Cameron Library (Basement), North Campus
  • Thursday, March 6 | 9 a.m. to Noon | B-12, Cameron Library (Basement), North Campus
  • Wednesday, March 12| 9 a.m. to Noon | B-12, Cameron Library (Basement), North Campus


Faculty-Specific Canvas Build Space

A Canvas Build Space is an informal co-working learning opportunity where our CTL facilitators circulate the room and provide individualized pedagogical support to University of Alberta instructors and staff as they use Canvas tools and strategies to build courses.

In a Faculty-Specific Canvas Build Space, we come to you for a personalized 2-hour in-person session. Our time together is tailored to your teaching team’s unique program and course contexts and needs. This space allows you to:

  • minimize distractions
  • problem-solve the eClass to Canvas transition
  • receive pedagogical feedback
  • seize opportunities for idea sharing among colleagues

To host one or more Faculty-Specific Canvas Build Space(s), you provide a room in (or near) your department, as well as registration and communications with your teaching team (instructors and staff). Each registrant brings their own device. 

All levels of experience with Canvas are welcome.

For questions about a Faculty-Specific Canvas Build Space, contact