Join us in influencing the next generation of leaders in real estate...
VIP Opening Night
School-season opener for students to enjoy a luxurious networking environment with UARC executives, classmates. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet & greet with young professionals and identify lucrative career opportunities in real estate.

Real Estate Career Forum
Students will have the opportunity to network with several industry professionals, including the panelists and fellow students.

Real Estate Day (REDay)
Companies are invited to educate students at the University of Alberta on different career paths in Real Estate

Real Estate Industry Night
The goal of Industry Night is to connect industry professionals and inclined students who want to learn more about the real estate industry and discuss potential opportunities to work together in the future.
Rohit Bus Tour
One of our most unique events is the Rohit Group Bus Tour taking place in the fall. Students toured residential, commercial, and land development sites across the city owned by Rohit Group. Following the event, students have the opportunity to further connect with Rohit Group professionals at a local restaurant near campus.