Academic Requirements
All MBA students are expected to read and understand the academic standing requirements for Graduate students. Refer to the FGPS website for details.
Degree Requirements
Complete information on the MBA degree requirements can be found through the University Calendar. Students would follow the requirements in place when they were admitted into the program, or the current requirements.
General MBA Course Requirements
Students are encouraged to contact an advisor with any program or course related questions.
Full-Time and Part-Time MBA Program Outline
Combined Degree MBA Course Requirements
Students are encouraged to discuss MBA program requirements with an MBA advisor. Any questions related to the non-MBA portion fo the combined degree should be addressed to the appropriate faculty.
Academic Standing
Minimum Requirements
- The normal passing grade is C+.
- Graduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.7 throughout the course of the program.
- In cases where the cumulative grade point average falls between 2.3 and 2.7, departments may recommend the student be required to withdraw, or continuation in the program for a specified probationary period.
- Required to withdraw.
- Graduate students are not permitted to take reexaminations. However, in exceptional circumstances, a student who achieved an overall course grade of C (and no lower) may submit a request to write a supplemental exam.
- In certain circumstances, graduate students may apply for a deferred exam for courses in which they were absent from or will be absent from the scheduled final exam.
- Please refer to the FGSR Regulation here for the Academic Standing requirement.
Maintenance of Registration
- Course-based MBA students have six years to complete their program.
- In order to keep their program active, students in the MBA programs must register in and successfully complete a minimum of ★3 of coursework for at least one term in each September to August period. Other registration patterns for students in exceptional circumstances will be considered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.
- Students who fail to keep the program active as described above will be considered to have withdrawn from their program.
- More information to be found here.
Leave of Absence
- Leaves of absence are leaves from one's academic studies. The time limit for completion of the degree will be extended by the duration of any approved leave of absence.
- More information to be found here.
Time Limit for Completion of Graduate Programs
- Course-based MBA students have six years to complete their program.
- In exceptional circumstances, a student who has failed to complete all the requirements for the degree within the appropriate period specified in Time Limit for Completion of Graduate Programs may be considered for a program extension.
- For detailed information please visit here.