TESL Diploma FAQs

1. What are the deadlines for submitting applications?

June 1st to begin in September, October 1st to begin in January, February 1st to begin in May, April 1st to begin in July. Students are recommended to begin in September to best facilitate course access to finish their program in the shortest possible time. This allows students to take the prerequisites of LING 101 and EDPY 416 in the fall that are required for EDPY 417 and EDPY 418 in the winter. Please note that EDPY 417 and EDPY 418 are only offered in the Winter term.


2.What are the eligibility requirements?

  • a four-year undergraduate degree from an accredited institution. A minimum GPA of B over the latest 60 course weights.
  • Linguistics 101 (can be taken as a co-requisite to the program)


3. What are the language requirements for persons whose first language is not English?

  • please see Program Plans A and B on the main Diploma page.


4. Why do I have to take Linguistics? Does teaching experience count in its place?

 An introductory Linguistics course is required of everyone. Linguistics provides students with an understanding of both the universal and unique aspects of language.


5. How long does it take to complete the program?

The TESL Diploma can be completed in a period of 8 months if an individual begins in September and attends full-time. Students have up to 4 years to complete the diploma on a part-time basis. However, Education students must register at least once in Fall/Winter cycle to keep their program active. A lapsed program will require an application for re-admission before further registration can take place.


6. Can I apply courses from my Bachelor's program to the diploma program? 

The University does not allow students to use one course to apply to two credentials. In other words, if a course counted towards your Bachelor's or any other degree, it cannot count towards your diploma. A substitute course from the option list should be chosen instead.


7. If I take a course as an Open Studies student, can it be applied toward the diploma?

Yes, but a minimum of 12 course weights (4 three-credit course equivalents) must be completed while registered in the diploma. For example, some students take the pre-requisite of LING 101 as an Open studies student - see https://www.ualberta.ca/registrar/registration-and-courses/special-registrations/open-studies/index.html


8. How much does the diploma cost?

Fees depend on your status. Please see

The program is 24 credits (8 x 3 credit courses) with an additional 3 credits in pre-requisites (LING 101) = 9 courses in total. Please clink the link above for more information.


9. Can I use non-credit courses towards the diploma?

 Non-credit courses cannot be substituted for credit university courses.


10. Can I teach Kindergarten to Grade 12 with a diploma in ESL?

 In order to teach in Canadian school systems, one must have a valid teaching certificate. The diploma is not a substitute for a teaching certificate. https://www.alberta.ca/teaching-in-alberta.aspx


11. Is a diploma going to get me a job teaching ESL to adults?

 No credential guarantees a job. Adult ESL programs have varying hiring criteria. Many require a TESL Diploma or MEd. Contact individual institutions for information on hiring practices.

Diploma Program Plan A satisfies the coursework requirements for TESL Canada Professional Certification: Standard Two. Upon completion of the program, students have the option of applying through PLAR to receive TESL Canada Certification. Graduates from Diploma Program Plan B are not eligible for TESL Canada Professional Certification because this program does not include a supervised teaching practicum – it only requires an in class observation placement.


12. I'm a student in the Secondary BEd program. What courses should I take?

 If you are in the Secondary ESL Minor, please see your ESL Minor program requirements sheet. Students in the Secondary Bachelor of Education route can take LING 101, EDPY 413, EDPY 416, EDPY 417, EDPY 418, EDPY 419, and EDPY 499. By taking LING 101, EDPY 416, EDPY 417, EDPY 418, EDPY 419, and EDPY 499, students would be eligible to apply for a TESL Canada Professional Certificate: Standard One through PLAR. Please see https://www.ualberta.ca/educational-psychology/graduate-programs/teaching-english-as-a-second-language/value-added-undergraduate-program.html


13. I'm a student in the Elementary Bachelor of Education program. What courses should I take?

Students in the Elementary Bachelor of Education route can take LING 101, EDPY 413, EDPY 416, EDPY 417, EDPY 418, EDPY 419, and EDPY 499. By taking LING 101, EDPY 416, EDPY 417, EDPY 418, EDPY 419, and EDPY 499, students would be eligible to apply for a TESL Canada Professional Certificate: Standard One through PLAR. Please see https://www.ualberta.ca/educational-psychology/graduate-programs/teaching-english-as-a-second-language/value-added-undergraduate-program.html


14. How can I find out about jobs teaching ESL?

For positions overseas, the Internet is a good source of information on ESL programs - check sites such as Dave's ESL Café. ATESL and the TESL Canada Websites, and careers.tesol.org list job opportunities. The International Centre in HUB on the University of Alberta campus also has listings. For jobs within Alberta, it is useful to start networking through organizations such as Alberta Teachers of English as a Second Language (http://www.atesl.ca).


15. Where can I get some ESL teaching experience?

There are several community organizations that welcome volunteers. Here is a partial listing:

Cultural Connections Institute - The Learning Exchange
The Mennonite Centre for Newcomers
NorQuest College
Student Volunteer Campus Community
International Centre, University of Alberta