Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Notifications

Download the MyUAlberta app on your mobile device to get notified of emergencies.

If you get an emergency notification via text/phone call/email and you have not already noticed a Business All-Staff email sent out notifying ALL Business staff members of such, please send the message out to Business All-Staff ASAP, with URGENT as part of the subject line to ensure all staff and students are notified as soon as possible. This may result in duplicate messages; however, in the event of an emergency, getting the information out to everyone in a timely manner is priority, and duplication of messages reinforces the message.

Download App

Hazard Response Plan

Review the Alberta School of Business Hazard Response Plans for information on building alarms, shelter in place, bomb threats, and more.

Hazard Response Plans

Floor Plans and Emergency Exits

Business Building

Hub Mall