
Each exchange destination has a limited number of spots available. Once these spots are filled, that particular program is closed and applications for that exchange are no longer accepted. If they so choose, applicants may be considered for an alternate destination when their first choice is full.

Please note that the following are the latest dates* by which a completed application will be accepted, provided that there is at least one spot remaining in the program of interest. Because early selections can be made once a suitable application has been received, some exchanges might fill up prior to the below deadlines. Also, the below deadlines are the final dates by which ALL materials must be submitted. Applicants should therefore start their applications well in advance of the below dates in order to have all materials ready in time. For both of these reasons, early application is strongly recommended.

The final date to complete an application to any open exchange program is:

March 1* for a Spring/Summer, Fall term or Full-Year exchange

September 15* for a Winter term only exchange

*Please note: Due to variable term dates of certain exchange institutions, specific deadlines may vary from those listed above (especially for Spring/Summer & Winter programs). To clarify the specific deadline for your destination of interest, please consult the Student Exchange Coordinator.

The earliest date an application can be formally started is November 1 in the academic year prior to exchange (e.g. Nov 1, 2025 for exchanges in Summer 2026, Fall 2026 or Winter 2027). This means that interviews will not be conducted and application packages cannot be submitted prior to Nov 1. However, planning and preparation for an exchange should be done as early as possible and is always advisable to get started well before the formal application period opens.