
Apply for Sustainability Scholars

Sustainability Scholars supports University of Alberta graduate students as they work on applied sustainability research projects with project partners in and around Edmonton.

From early May to mid-August, successful applicants work with professional mentors on projects benefiting the sustainability of their host organization and our community. Projects vary in length, from 25-35 hours per week. 

Academic Stream (New)


The Sustainability Scholars Program is introducing a new Sustainability Scholars Academic Stream launching for summer 2025. The new Academic Stream aims to foster connections between Graduate students and relevant Host Organizations, while advancing academic outcomes under the leadership of an Academic Supervisor. 

Projects in the Academic Stream will be planned in collaboration with the Scholar and Host Organization, and will align with the Graduate students’ research. These projects will deliver tangible outcomes for the Host Organization, including the advancement of sustainability-related projects and the completion of a Final Report for the Host Organization; additionally, the placement will support the Scholar’s academic growth through applied research and work related to their research. Scholars in the Academic Stream will pursue a related academic publication and/or thesis with their Academic Supervisor as an additional outcome of the program. 

If you are interested in learning more about the Academic Stream, or participating in the Academic Stream in 2025, please contact Shannon Heaney at by January 24, 2025. Academic Supervisors are encouraged to reach out with project ideas or student research topics.

Apply to Host a Scholar

Host Application Requirements

Project Requirements
The Sustainability Scholars Program looks for projects that relate to advancing the social, environmental, or economic sustainability of society as a whole, or to advancing a sustainability mandate within your organization. Projects should emphasize applied and innovative research with defined deliverables, that the scholar can complete during the program. 

Mentorship Requirements
Each Sustainability Scholar requires a mentor to serve as the Scholar's guide, project supervisor, and primary point of contact within the organization. The mentor will ensure the Scholar has access to a workspace with a computer and any other tools necessary to complete the project. 

Benefits of the Program
There are numerous benefits to partnering with the Sustainability Council to employ a Sustainability Scholar. Here are some of the things that we take on for you:

  • Posting your position, managing applications, and conducting a preliminary scan for eligibility
  • Promoting your project to University of Alberta graduate students
  • Delivering a general orientation to successful candidates and mentors
  • Providing ongoing administrative support throughout the program
  • Approving Scholars’ hours in the payroll system and disbursing Scholars’ paychecks
  • Hosting a final event to share findings and celebrate completion

The cost of the Sustainability Scholars Program covers the Scholar’s wages and mandatory employment-related expenses. There are two funding options available for the Sustainability Scholars Program: 

Full Cost Recovery
Host organizations can apply to the program and cover all costs associated with the program. The cost for the program will depend on the number of hours per week, and the number of weeks your Scholar works. We expect Scholars to work between 25 and 35 hours per week, for between 14-17 weeks. Please see the application package for a weekly cost breakdown. Once you complete your application package, we will confirm the number of hours requested and determine the cost of the program.

Mitacs Matching Funding 

Host organizations can apply for matching funding from Mitacs. Mitacs provides two matching funding options, $10,000 and $15,000 increments for a 4-month period, which will cost hosts $5,000 and $7,500 respectively. For instructions on how to apply for Mitacs funding please refer to the Mitacs BSI Scholars Procedure

Acceptance of your project in the Sustainability Scholars Program is not a guarantee of acceptance through Mitacs. Notice of matching funding from Mitacs takes approximately 6-weeks. 


How to Apply

To apply to become a project partner, you must submit a research project and designate a mentor from your organization. Please follow the application instructions for Full Cost Recovery projects and Mitacs Funded projects respectively. Applications will be accepted until January 31, 2025. 

Full Cost Recovery

Please download and complete the Application Package. Send the completed Application Package to Shannon Heaney ( by the January 31, 2025 deadline. 

Mitacs Matching Funding
Please refer to the Mitacs BSI Scholars Procedure for detailed instructions for the application process. Please download and complete all sections in the following Application Form which are highlighted in yellow. Submit the application through the Mitacs RAP portal and to Shannon Heaney ( by the January 31, 2025 deadline.

Please note that Mitacs funding approval takes approximately 6-8 weeks. If possible, please submit your application earlier than the deadline to ensure an earlier decision from Mitacs regarding funding.

Apply to be a Scholar

Scholar Eligibility

Master’s and PhD students in any discipline may apply. 

Applicants must:

  • Be enrolled as a graduate student (full-time or part-time) at the University of Alberta, with their last term no earlier than Winter 2025.
  • Be available to work the advertised number of hours, attend an orientation session, and publicly present their work at the end of the placement. 

If you hold another paid position at the University of Alberta and are interested in applying to the Sustainability Scholars Program, you are encouraged to reach out to Shannon Heaney ( to confirm your eligibility. 

How to Apply

All applications must be submitted through campusBRIDGE. A brief description of available Sustainability Scholars projects will be shared here when applications open in February 2025. 

You may apply to a maximum of three Sustainability Scholars positions. You may only hold one position. All applications require a professional resume and a cover letter. It is strongly recommended that you tailor your cover letter to each position you are applying to.