Our Impact

The University of Alberta has risen to rank first in North America and the top 6 globally in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings in 2024. Discover all our efforts to advance the SDGs on the SDG Info Hub, and learn how you can make a difference. 

On March 24, 2021, President Bill Flanagan leant his voice to the   Joint Statement of Global University Leaders on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Learn more A link to read the joint statement.

The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings are the only global measure of universities' alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals. Through these rankings, we are can assess our performance globally. Discover our collective efforts on campus and beyond to advance the SDGs on the SDG Info Hub.

A new irrigation system at the Green & Gold Community Garden uses less water for a more bountiful harvest

A drip irrigation system funded by a Campus Sustainability Grant helped the garden achieve their most productive season to date.

Reducing Carbon Fashion Footprint

The Repair Café shares knowledge for mending clothes so you can enjoy more years of use from well-loved wardrobe items.

Climate Change and Health Hub

First interdisciplinary group of its kind in Canada will create more opportunities for collaborative research, learning and advocacy.