![A family connection to campus inspires Ross and Hedy Denham to support students today.](../../../../../media-library/news/2019/october/ross-hedy-denham.jpg)
Ross and Hedy Denham treasure fond memories of campus-and help students today build new ones with their support for the Faculty of Science. Photo provided.
Although his own studies as an undergraduate student date back more than six decades, Ross Denham (BCom '58) still recalls many fond memories of his time at UAlberta-as well as the challenges of being a student, and how support from others can go a long way.
"The campus was a wonderful place and opportunity to learn lots of new things and to quickly mature as an individual. The professors seemed so knowledgeable and interested in young kids like me and my friends," said Ross. "And, of course, not least, there was the social scene. It included, for instance, lunch hours spent with good friends in the Students Union Building-now University Hall-learning to play bridge. Bridge at that time, it seemed, was one of the foundations to lay claim to a complete university education."
Those fond memories of campus life-the student experience that extends beyond the coursework-are something that the Denhams treasure, and want to ensure students continue to have the chance to enjoy.
"My wife and I know firsthand how financial assistance, while a student, minimizes the need for significant, sometimes distracting paid employment. It also encourages one to do well in one's chosen field of study," explained Ross. "Having been postsecondary students ourselves, we understand how scholarships, bursaries, and similar aids are a great boost to one's spirit, allow for healthy social interludes, and contribute to a timely completion of studies."
A family connection
The spirit of generosity and passing on their support to the students of today is a deeply appreciated gift. But what caused the Denhams to choose the Faculty of Science for their support? The answer, it turns out, is the family's admiration for graduates of the Faculty of Science they have known over the years.
"Once we became established in our careers, my wife and I wanted to appropriately honour my father's and mother's memories. The first opportunity arose in the early 1980s-we created an endowment in my father's name to fund several needs in an outreach program offered by the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences."
The Peter H Denham Memorial Fellowship recognizes high school students' achievements in mathematics-and continues today, with many of its alumni continuing to excel in the field. A few years later, the Denhams also established the I M May Denham Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics in Ross's mother's memory, to help support students studying mathematics.
Ross and Hedy's support of the Faculty of Science has a close personal connection to campus-but the Denhams also see it as a way to contribute to the well-being of all Canadians.
"It is a tall order during a time of financial stress-but Science must strive to continue its support of good teaching and research at the undergraduate and graduate levels in both its strong foundations and emerging disciplines," said Ross. "This will continue to strengthen the social and economic welfare of all Albertans, Canadians, and global citizens.
"I say three things to potential contributors: Give recognition in an area that is important to you or where you see deserving needs. Learn about and consider using the power of endowments to assist in bringing together both academic and your personal goals. And finally, within your means, contribute something-small or large. Your support makes a difference."