Endowed Studentships

Several graduate studentships are made possible by the generosity of donors. Those listed below are administered by the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. We are truly grateful to these donors, whose legacies further the training of future researchers in our faculty.

Violet Kilburn Award

Endowed by the Violet Winona Kilburn Trust Fund.

One award, valued at $10,000, will be granted to a full-time PhD student in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry for a period of one year, from January 1 to December 31. Applicants will be evaluated based on their academic record and research achievements. Successful applicants will be announced in mid-December.


  • Students registered in a full-time PhD program in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta.
  • Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 from the past two years (see application form for detailed instructions on appropriate calculation). 
  • Recipients of this award may not concurrently hold (i) any other major stipend award ($13,000 or greater), or (ii) other funding from the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (e.g. 75th Anniversary Award, Motyl Graduate Studentship, Medical Sciences Graduate Program Scholarships).
  • Former recipients of the Violet Kilburn Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Graduate Student Award are not eligible to apply.
  • If the recipient accepts another major award ($13,000 or greater) from any source, or other funding from the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, the Violet Kilburn award must be surrendered, and the Office of Research in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry is to be notified by the student and/or supervisor.
  • PhD applicants are eligible to hold this award during the first five years of their program i.e., the latest a PhD student can apply for this award is in their fourth year so that they can be funded in their fifth.


  • MD/PhD students registered full-time (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer terms) in their graduate portion of the program are eligible to apply for the awards.
  • MD/PhD students must continue to hold full-time graduate registration in their graduate portion during the term of payment of the award.
  • The Office of Research must be informed if the student no longer holds full-time graduate registration in their graduate portion so that award payments can be terminated.
  • MD/PhD students need to submit a Confirmation of Eligibility form signed by the Director of the MD/PhD program.

Application Procedure

Students should apply through the 75th Anniversary competition, using the form and deadline listed there. Applications will be judged on the same general criteria and will be adjudicated by the same committee, but please note that eligibility is limited to PhD students only.

Please note: If you have already received a 75th Anniversary award in the past, you may apply for a Violet Kilburn, but you would not be considered for another 75th Anniversary award.

Delnor Award

Funded by the Delnor Construction Ltd. Endowment for Medical Research

Multiple awards of $1000 will be awarded annually to PhD students registered in a full-time thesis-based program in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. This award will be added as a special merit award for outstanding applicants in the 75th Anniversary competition.

Doctoral students applying to the 75th Anniversary competition will be automatically considered. The top-ranked PhD students receiving a 75th Anniversary award will receive the Delnor scholarship as well.

For details on any department-administered endowed studentships, please contact that department directly.
For any questions on FoMD-administered awards such as the ones listed above, please contact fmdgrd@ualberta.ca.

If you are interested in donating to support research trainees in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, you can find more information here.

Awards Results

Violet Kilburn Award

The result of the 2023-24 competition of the Violet Kilburn Award was announced on December 20, 2023.

The winner was selected from a total of 61 applications that were received.

The recipient of the 2023-24 Violet Kilburn award was:



Latif, Asna

Bhavsar, Amit

2022-23 Recipients

2021-22 Recipients

2020-21 Recipients

2019-20 Recipients

David Lawson Award

The result of the 2021-22 competition of the David Lawson Award was announced on December 15, 2021.

The winner was selected from a total of 51 applications that were received.

The recipient of the 2021-22 David Lawson Award is:

Student Supervisor
Kilic, Tolga Kassiri, Zamaneh


2020-21 Recipients

2019-20 Recipients

Delnor Award

The results of the Delnor Award are posted on the 75th Anniversary Award webpage.