Services and Fees

Using the Flow Cytometry Facility

Interested researchers should contact Gabrielle Siegers at First-time users of the benchtop analytical instruments need to book a training session. The Facility also offers assistance to all investigators and graduate students in the development of protocols, experimental design, and data analysis.

Machine User Training

Training by other people other than the Core Staff is not permitted.

Sorter Training

Training will be made available on a case by case basis for advanced users with at least 3 months flow cytometry experience. These users will also be required to attend and pass a training course and biosafety course.


  • Core staff assisted or user-run flow cytometry, sorting, and image cytometry acquisition.
  • Comprehensive hands-on training for each piece of equipment.
  • Regular theoretical courses.
  • Advanced training for self-sorts on the sorters.
  • Assistance with development and optimization of cytometric techniques and methods.
  • Assistance with antibody panel design.
  • Guidance in performing longitudinal and cross platform studies with regard to data acquisition.
  • Software for data analysis (FlowJo, FCS Express, IDEAS).
  • Software training and analysis assistance.
  • Consistent and extensive instrumentation quality control. Performance reports can be provided for GLP records. Please contact the core staff if this is required.
  • Organizing vendor talks and training sessions to keep users on the cutting edge of available reagents, analysis tools, and instrumentation.


User Category
Instrument U of A - Unassisted U of A - Assisted
Cell Analyzers $33.00/hr $55.25/hr
BD Cell Sorters $44.00/hr $82.75/hr
Sony Cell Sorter $52.50/hr $89.25/hr
ExoView R200 $15.00/strip $15.00/strip + $50/hr