Faculty Leaders

A medical school is only as good as its students and faculty. In addition to more than 1000 instructors who teach students in all four years of the MD Program, we have a team of Assistant Deans, Directors, Course & Clerkship Coordinators, and Longitudinal Theme Leads who have responsibility for making our program one of the best in the country.


Dr. Darryl Rolfson

Associate Dean, MD Program - Oversees all aspects of the MD program, including strategic planning, curriculum development, accreditation, collaboration with other team leaders within the MD program and across the faculty, as well as the day-to-day operations of the Undergraduate Medical Education office.


Dr. Laura Stovel

Assistant Dean, Admissions - Leads all aspects of the admissions process, promotes diversity in the recruitment and admissions process, chairs the Admissions Committee, and ensures that all admissions policies and procedures are followed.

Currently Vacant

Assistant Dean, Academics - Provides support for students experiencing academic difficulties and upholds the academic integrity of the program through chairing the academic standing committees (Years 1 to 4) and managing student academic appeals. 

Dr. Lana Bistritz

Assistant Dean, Curriculum - Leads all aspects of the curriculum for the MD Program, including pre-clerkship, clerkship, and longitudinal themes.

Dr. Vijay Daniels

Assistant Dean, Assessment - Leads the assessment practices for the MD Program, chairs the Assessment Committee, and ensures that all policies and procedures related to assessment in the MD Program are followed.

Dr. Joanne Rodger

Assistant Dean, Program Evaluation - Leads the program evaluation practices for the MD Program, chairs the Program Evaluation Committee, and ensures all aspects of our program evaluation processes align with the policies, procedures and accreditation standards.

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Dr. Pamela Brett-MacLean

Director, Arts & Humanities in Health & Medicine (AHHM) - Responsible for the Arts & Humanities in Health & Medicine program, which promotes the arts and humanities in all aspects of medicine.

Dr. Martin Moran

Director, Clerkship - Provides leadership for and oversight of all of the clerkships - collaborating with the coordinators who are responsible for the third and fourth year undergraduate curriculum.

Dr. Mike Gozdzik

Director, Comprehensive Assessment - Responsible for oversight of the years 2 and 4 comprehensive exams (written and practical components).

Dr. Lisa Steblecki

Director, Discovery Learning - Responsible for the Discovery Learning (DL) components of the MD program curriculum by supporting staff and students in DL as well as overseeing the recruitment and training of DL facilitators.

Dr. Hollis Lai

Director, Learning Science - Provides leadership for all aspects of education technology and learning analytics for the MD program.

Dr. Rebecca Mitchell

Director, Learning Support - Responsible for identifying and supporting learners who need academic coaching, mentorship, and other learning supports throughout their program.

Dr. Alexis Armour

Assistant Director, Learning Support - Responsible for identifying and supporting learners who need academic coaching, mentorship, and other learning supports throughout their program.

Dr. Lillian Au

Director, Longitudinal Themes - Provides leadership for the four-year longitudinal themes course and supports more than 12 thread leads who implement this aspect of the curriculum.

Dr. Jaime Yu

Director, Pre-Clerkship - Provides leadership for and oversight of all of the systems-based pre-clerkship courses - collaborating with course coordinators and hundreds of instructors to ensure the operation of the pre-clerkship curriculum.

Mr. Murray Diduck

Program Director - Responsible for the administrative aspects of the MD Program, including finance and human resources.

Dr. Joanne Rodger

Director, Program Quality & Accreditation - Provides leadership for all aspects of the accreditation process and is responsible for continuous quality improvement initiatives in the MD program.

Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky

Director, Teacher Support - Provides resources and support for teachers in the MD Program, including consultation and advice about educational innovation, teaching strategies, and content delivery.

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Dr. Eniola Salami

Black Health Lead - Provides leadership, consultation, and initiative creation in the MD Program and FoMD on all issues pertaining to Black Health.

Dr. Katherine Smith 

Social Accountability Lead - Works alongside the communities with priority health concerns, promotes social accountability throughout the MD Program, and develops the relationships and processes necessary to guide the MD Program in its social accountability mandate.

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Pre-clerkship course coordinators
Pre-Clerkship Course Course Coordinator
MED 511: Foundations of Medicine & Dentistry Dr. Roshan Abraham & Dr. Shereen Hamza
MED 513: Endocrinology & Metabolism Dr. Albert Vu
MED 515: Cardiology Dr. Deirdre O'Neill
MED 512: Pulmonary Dr. Ron Damant
MED 519: Renal Dr. Mark McIsaac
MED 521: Gastroenterology & Nutrition Dr. Rabin Persad
MED 522: Reproductive Medicine & Urology Dr. Sanja Kostov
MED 523: Musculoskeletal System Dr. Alison Clifford
MED 529: Psychiatry Dr. Ron Oswald
MED 524: Neurosciences & Organs of Special Senses Dr. Jennifer McCombe
MED 525: Oncology Dr. Matthew Anaka & Dr. Daniel Sawler
Anatomy Dr. Dan Livy

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Clerkship coordinators
Clerkship  Clerkship Coordinator
MED 543: Integrated Community Clerkship Dr. Elfriede Cross
Dr. Leigh Beamish
MED 546: Medicine Dr. Rebecca Lee
OBGY 546: Obstetrics & Gynecology Dr. May Sanaee
PAED 546: Pediatrics Dr. Karen Forbes
PSYCI 546: Psychiatry Dr. Alberto Choy
FMED 546: Family Medicine

Dr. Ann Lee

SURG 546: General Surgery Dr. Ioana Bratu
MED 555: Geriatrics Dr. Ashif Rahman
MED 556: Internal Medicine Dr. Rebecca Lee
MED 558: Emergency Medicine Dr. Boyd Edgecumbe
SURG 556: Speciality Surgery Dr. Andrew Rasmussen
Year 4 Grande Prairie Site Lead Dr. Johan Bolton

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Longitudinal Themes (YEARS 1, 2, 3 & 4)

Theme leads
Longitudinal Theme Theme Lead
Communications Dr. Jackie Lee
Dr. Roshan Abraham
Interpersonal Communications (IPE) Dr. Irma Kritzinger
Physical Exam
Dr. Clarissa Agusto
Dr. Majid Sikosana
Patient Immersion Experience

Dr. Dalal Awwad
Dr. Pam Brett-MacLean

Physician Discussion Groups (PDG) Dr. Lillian Au
Ethics Dr. Michael Van Manen
Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Dr. Ellina Lytvyak
Longitudinal Clinical Experiences in Family Medicine Thread (LCE) Dr. David Pickle
Social Accountability

Indigenous Health Lead:
Alyssa-Lynne Perry

Black Health Lead:
Dr. Eniola Salami

Gender and Sexuality Theme Lead:
Dr. Avery Wynick

Students in Service Dr. Dalal Awwad
Trauma Informed Care Dr. Olga Winkler

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