Natalie Eng

Natalie Eng

PhD Candidate
Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management


Department: Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Office Hours: By appointment

Address: Business Building Room 2-24
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2R6

Research Interests

I am broadly interested in institutions and the practices that produce and reproduce them. More specifically, I am interested in how technology is entangled with actors and action, the distribution of attention within organizations, and the construction of knowledge. Currently, I am studying the changing journalism landscape to better understand the role of technology in field-level change, how attention affects perceptions of organizational environments, and how changing norms alter what constitutes “knowledge.” I am also involved in several other studies including a study of COVID-19 discourse and the effects of pre-existing narratives, a project focused on the changing elder-care norms in Ghana, and am beginning another study that looks at the interfacing of multiple communities of practice around a common goal of social entrepreneurship.