Julian Faid

Julian Faid

PhD Student
Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Management

Email: jfaid@ualberta.ca

Department: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Management
Office Hours: By appointment

Address: Business Building Room 2-24
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2R6

Research Focus

The primary focus of my research is cultural entrepreneurship, specifically examining the influence of emotions on the construction of new identities and practices. My interest in cultural entrepreneurship is rooted in a background in storytelling and narrative, particularly in theatrical improvisation. With over twenty years of experience in this area, I bring an extensive and pragmatic understanding of the creative, interactive, cultural, and improvisational aspects of sense-making and identity construction to my research. This practical experience and perspective enrich my scholarly engagement with cultural entrepreneurship, offering a unique and impactful lens on organizational studies of how entrepreneurial actors draw on and combine cultural and institutional resources to drive change.