Madisen Gee: Arts Convocation
Arts Staff - 25 June 2021

Madisen Gee is graduating with a Bachelor's Degree in Arts with an English Major and a Minor in Political Science.She also completed an internship in the Arts Work Experience office and certificates in Sustainability, International Learning, and Community Service Learning.
Did you face any significant challenges or struggles while in university?
One of the biggest lessons for me was that life still happens while you're in university. Sometimes your greatest accomplishment is just getting through it -- it's four or five years of just persistently keeping going. I dealt with struggles by embracing them and continuing to move forward through (and despite!) challenges.
What are some of the best things you learned during your time at the Faculty of Arts?
I learned about myself and where I'm situated in the world. This degree made me realize how much I don't know and how much there is left to learn.
Do you have any advice to share with new or prospective students?
University is the one time in your life where reading and working on yourself is your job. If you're going to be a part of a program -- especially a program as good as I experienced -- prioritize being there and be engaged, especially by reading Faculty of Arts emails and taking on community experiences. I went to a conference in Thailand and the University paid for me to go, and I found out about it in an email blast. Read those emails!
What are your plans for the future?
I currently work for Engineering in their co-op office. It's been a wonderful experience so far. I worked for the Arts Work Experience office as an AWE intern, and found myself unexpectedly passionate about career development. It's a really rewarding experience to work with these students and be on the other side of the co-op table. I'm so happy to stay on campus and at the University of Alberta -- I've had wonderful experiences here, and I'm glad to be continuing on in a new role.
Congratulations Madisen and all the best!