Student Stories

Participating in an Education Abroad Program will expand your horizons. You'll learn about the world - and you'll learn about yourself, too. But don't take our word for it, hear it directly from students who have gone abroad!

Education Abroad Stories

  • From Austria, With Love …

    "Some days will be rough but trust me, when it's good? It's great."

  • Warming up to China

    "With the breadth and extent of what you learn while living abroad, words will always fall short."

  • Getting Real in Cuba

    "Through music and dance, Avishta got to experience a culture's history, while also opening her eyes to real problems and issues facing others in the world."

  • Miles Away, Miles Ahead

    "Sweden is off people's radar, but the Nordic countries have a beautiful culture. While the people are shy, once you get to know them your connection can be so significant."

  • No Time for Lion Around

    "Every time you go somewhere, it changes you a little bit. There is so much to gain from going abroad. It makes you a more well-rounded person and a more global person."

  • Read More!

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7 Reasons To Do an International Internship

"I forged life-long friendships, met some of the funniest people in the world, took pictures at famous landmarks, ate lunch shore-side with my coworkers, and saw some of the most breathtaking sunsets you can imagine."

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How Going Abroad Helped Me Get Into My Professional Program

"Anyone hesitant to study abroad for the sake of their professional program application should think twice - studying abroad was so beneficial for me, academically and personally!"

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Discovering China through CLIC

"I found out how much funding was actually available to students participating in the Summer Intensive Chinese Language Program in Harbin through CLIC. That's when I realized that I might actually be able to go."

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