Goal 12 - Research Institutes, Centres & Projects

Research Institutes, Centres & Projects
Advanced Composite Materials Research Group
The Advanced Composite Materials Research Group studies advanced polymer composites, and their research and development program is focused on studying advanced materials and structures for energy applications.
Creating an impact: How UAlberta students are changing the way we think about waste
University of Alberta students Nicole Sanchez, Anka Chan and Mariam Humayan led a social entrepreneurship project called Hempact and proposed a waste-saving, 100 per cent biodegradable alternative to commonly used plastic products such as pads and applicators.
ELIAS Research Group
The Elias Research Group engineers polymers and composites that are functional and responsive and develops methods for processing these materials at the micro and macro level.
Materials Chemistry Research Group
Aman Ullah’s material chemistry research group focuses on converting biomass into different types of plastics and chemicals, for instance using food oils and fats as stock for polymers. The group uses innovative techniques to help bioplastics match the quality of fossil fuel- derived plastics by, for example, using nanotechnology to improve structures and using microwave reactors to enhance biopolymer yield.
Putting a Cap on Waste: Two UAlberta Students Plan to Reduce Harmful Packaging Materials in the Beauty Industry
University of Alberta business students Felisa Pador and Delilah Dias were concerned about the trend of non-biodegradable waste in the beauty industry. As a solution they came up with ALL CAPS, and proposed the concept of skincare products in single-serving capsules.
Solar Greenhouse Project
With funding from the Campus Sustainability Grants program, students, faculty and staff from different disciplines are coming together to develop sustainable gardening practices powered by the sun.