Goal 11 - Research Institutes, Centres & Projects

Research Institutes, Centres & Projects
Affordable Housing Solutions Lab
The Affordable Housing Solutions Lab empowers citizens to innovate, co-create and develop effective local affordable housing solutions. Funded and mandated by the City of Edmonton, the lab supports the goal of ending poverty in Edmonton within a generation.
Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities
The Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities assists rural communities in meeting diverse challenges through fostering constructive dialogue, promoting interdisciplinary and collaborative research, and developing partnerships. The centre provides resources to academic and professional communities, including the Canadian Sustainability Plan Inventory and Boom & Bust, a guide for resource-based communities in Alberta and B.C..
School of Urban and Regional Planning
The School of Urban and Regional Planning offers practical learning experience in community building, with field schools across Canada, a planning studio with real clients, and both undergraduate and graduate programs. The course-based master’s degree focuses on resilient planning and attention to climate change, resource dependency, winter cities, migration and other issues pertinent to Edmonton and Alberta.