Goal 7 - Research Institutes, Centres & Projects

Research Institutes, Centres & Projects
Energy Transitions in Canada
This research team, co-led by the Faculty of ALES’ John Parkins, promotes energy transition from fossil fuels toward renewables such as wind and hydroelectricity. Resources include infographics, YouTube videos and other reports aimed at influencing public opinion and policy making.
Future Energy Systems
Future Energy Systems is a $75 million tri-agency funded research group that develops the energy technologies of the near future; examines the integration of these technologies into current infrastructure; and considers the social, economic and environmental impacts of energy innovations. Their renewable energy research includes innovations in biomass, hydrogen fuel cells, geothermal, solar, wind and smart grids.
Looking for hot water: Geothermal pilot project marks new era for energy in Alberta
Faculty of Science research associate Jonathan Banks is piloting technology to turn legacy oil and gas drilling infrastructure into geothermal energy production.
U of A courses help students skill up for careers in renewable energy
The Faculty of Extension’s Renewable Energy Technologies Series is a trio of programs introducing professionals to the design of solar and wind power systems.