Goal 5 - Research Institutes, Centres & Projects

Research Institutes, Centres & Projects
Feminist Research Speaker Series
The Feminist Research Speaker Series is a twice-monthly event run by the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies. It brings accomplished scholars and leaders in feminist and intersectional research to the University of Alberta community and furthers exploration of feminist perspectives.
Intersections of Gender
A Signature Area of Research and Teaching at the University of Alberta, Intersections of Gender is an academic hub focused on promoting intersectional gender research, supporting interdisciplinary research collaborations, growing inclusive mentorship and teaching and engaging communities across all sectors on gender and intersectionality.
The Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services (iSMSS) conducts timely and often pressing research focused on helping sexual and gender minority youth mediate life in family, school, healthcare and other environments. iSMSS research is intended to advance inclusive policy making as a protective basis for framing and engaging in ethical and informed educational, healthcare, other institutional and community/cultural practices.
Women and Children's Health Research Institute
The Women and Children’s Health Research Institute (WCHRI) supports research excellence dedicated to improving the health and lives of women and children. WCHRI is the only research institute in Canada to focus on both women’s and children’s health, including perinatal health*.
*We use a broad and inclusive definition of women’s health research, incorporating both sex as a biological variable and gender as a social variable, across the life course. We include people assigned female at birth, all people who identify as women (cis and trans inclusive), as well as gender diverse individuals who do not identify as women but who share health challenges in common with women. (from CIHR IGH, 2024)