Lipidomics Core

Lipidomics Core

Facility Overview

The University of Alberta Lipidomics Core Facility was developed to assist researchers in isolating and quantifying lipids and lipid-related molecules in experimental samples. It is a not-for-profit, pay-per-use facility, with a graduated fee schedule based on client affiliation. While most current methods have been developed for mammalian samples, we can often adapt methods for non-mammalian samples as well.

The Core uses high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography (GC), and fast-protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of lipids, lipoproteins, and other compounds (please inquire). We are currently developing high-resolution, accurate-mass methods for an Orbitrap mass spectrometer as well. We also work with the Alberta Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Facility to share resources and expertise when required. If you are interested in analysis of compounds not listed, please contact Audric by email.

Facility Research Resource Identifier (RRID) - RRID:SCR_019176

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Lipidomics Core User Committee

  • Dr. Robin Clugston - Academic Lead of the Lipidomics Core Facility, Department of Physiology
  • Dr. Gavin Chen - Department of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science
  • Dr. Richard Fahlman - Department of Biochemistry
  • Dr. Liang Li - Department of Chemistry
  • Dr. David Stuart - Department of Biochemistry
Ex Officio Members
  • Audric Moses - Coordinator, Lipidomics Core Facility
  • Dr. Richard Lehner - Vice-Dean, Research (Basic), FoMD
  • Colleen Sunderland - Manager, Core Research Facilities, FoMD

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