Temporary Resident Visa (TRV)

Citizens of some countries require a Temporary Resident Visa to enter Canada in addition to a Study Permit.

See the Government of Canada website for the list of countries and territories whose citizens require visas in to enter Canada as visitors.

If you require a visa to enter, you should select "Visitor Visa" when completing the form. This will allow you to be considered for a multiple-entry visa, which in turn allows you to re-enter Canada as many times as you need for the duration of your visa validity.


The current fee is $100 CDN for a Temporary Resident Visa.

Those applying for Study Permits outside of Canada will be exempt from this fee; all others, including spouses and children of students, will be assessed the fee.

Watch How to Apply for a Temporary Resident Visa

If you are currently a student in Canada, you can apply for the visa online once you have an extended study permit. Xiaobing Lin, Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant and International Student Advisor takes you through how to apply for your temporary resident visa in Canada online. 

NOTE: One of the documents required includes the Verification of Enrollment (VOE) for the upcoming term(s).

  • Graduate students can request their VOE through the Student Service Catalog.
  • Undergraduate students can request their VOE through Bear Tracks.

How to Apply for your TRV Step-by-Step?

Before applying for TRV, IRCC requires that you renew your study permit.

  • Once your visa application has been successfully processed, IRCC will contact you to mail in your passport to stamp the visa counterfoil in your passport. See Step 10 on how to mail your passport to IRCC.
  • If your spouse or common-law partner has work or student status; your spouse/partner will be required to submit a separate online application (you cannot include them with you when you apply)
  • If you and all your dependent family members including minor children with visitor status need to apply for TRVs, we recommend you submit a paper application for the whole family (see an advisor for more details if this applies to you).

To apply for your TRV online, follow these steps:

Step 1 - Create an online account on IRCC website

Visit IRCC login page and choose “Sign in to your IRCC secure account”

  • Select: “Continue to GC Key” or “Continue to Sign-In Partner” (if you already have an account)
  • If you don’t have an account, select Register and then choose either GC Key or Sign in Partner option
  • Select: “Sign Up” (for GC Key only); follow the instructions.
Step 2 - Login to your account

At the bottom of the page under “Start an Application”; click “Apply to Come to Canada”

If you did not answer the assessment questions previously, you do not have a Personal Reference Code, scroll down.

And click on “Apply for Visitor Visa, Study and/or Work Permit” and answer all assessment questions.

Step 3 - Answer eligibility questions

Consider the following when you do:
Even though you are applying for a visa; select “Study” or “Work” (depending on what your status is Student or Worker at the time of application) to answer “What would you like to do in Canada?”

For Study Permit Holder

  • Select “No” to answer “Do you have a provincial attestation letter?”
  • Select “Yes” to answer “Do you qualify for an exception?”
  • Select “I am an applicant who meets another exception listed on the IRCC website” to answer “Which exception do you qualify for?”
  • If you are asked “Have you lived in a designated country or territory for more than six months in the last year?” you should select “NO” if you have not been outside Canada for 6 months in the past year
  • You should answer “NO” to the question “Do you want to submit an application for a family member?” since your spouse/partner is required to apply for their TRV independently if applying online (the option to apply together as a family requires you to submit a paper application)
  • You will also be asked “In the past 10 years, have you given your fingerprints and photo (biometrics) for an application to come to Canada?”, if you have never provided your biometrics for an IRCC application in the past 10 years, select “No”
Step 4 - Complete application form IMM5257
  • UCI number: “Unique client Identifier”, also known as “Client ID”. It is usually an 8-10 digit number that appears on your Study or Work Permit
  • Employment Section: If you are a full-time student in Canada, you can write “student” as your current activity. Otherwise, state the employment situation.
  • Details of Visit to Canada: select “returning student” or “returning worker” (depending on your status) for “Purpose of my visit”. The length of time will be from the date you complete the form (current date) till the expiry date on your study or work permit.
  • Background Information:
    2(c): Have you previously applied to enter or remain in Canada? - Click YES, as you have entered Canada before on your previous TRV/Study Permit. Write the dates for each document you applied for in the available box.
  • Signature box: You can type your name in the box or leave it blank. Do not print out and sign by hand!
Step 5 - Validate the form
Click “Validate”
Step 6 - Save form and upload to document checklist
If you saved your document on one of the International Services Centre computers, make sure you email a copy of the form to yourself as an attachment for future access before deleting the file from the computer!
Step 7 - Prepare your supporting documents
  • Official Transcript: You can obtain the official digital copy through Beartracks for a fee. You can also get the physical copy at no cost at the Student Services Centre (1st floor Administration Building).
  • A scanned copy of the current study permit
  • Verification of Upcoming Enrollment
    Undergraduate Students: can get this from Bear Tracks under “Academics: Verification of Enrollment”
    Graduate Students: can get a letter from FGPS indicating their enrollment and expected completion date
  • Letter to confirm that you are exempt from the PAL. Log in with your @ualberta email address to access the letter.
  • Proof of Financial Means
    Your bank statements for the past 4 months
    Letter of support from family (if needed)
    Other proof of income (e.g. Dept. funding letter)
  • Passport-style Digital Photo
  • Scanned Copy of Passport (the page that shows your birth date and country of origin and all pages that contain a stamp or Visa)
  • Letter of Explanation - if needed
    To explain to the IRCC what you are requesting or additional information you want to be considered in your application
Step 8 - Pay fees
  • You can only pay the $100 Temporary Resident Visa fees online with a credit or debit card 
  • If you have never provided biometrics to IRCC in the past 10 years, you will be required to pay as additional $85 which is the biometrics fee. You can expect to get a full refund for this amount as long as the biometrics waiver remains in place.
Step 9 - Check processing times
Check online for weekly updates on processing times
Step 10 - Mailing Instructions

IRCC Instructions for Passport Submission

  • Recommended that you purchase two prepaid Canada Post Xpresspost envelopes (Regional if you live in Ontario/Quebec; National for other provinces/territories), one letter-sized (318 x 241 mm) and the second standard-sized (260 x 159 mm), at any Canada Post retail outlet.
  • Complete the mailing label on the standard-sized envelope showing your full mailing address in the “Deliver To” field.
  • Make a note of tracking numbers for both envelopes.  Enclose the standard-sized envelope in the letter-sized envelope along with your passport and a copy of our request letter showing your application number.
  • If you do not submit a return prepaid Xpresspost envelope or if you provide a return prepaid envelope from any other private courier, we will return your passport by regular mail. Please note that our office is not responsible for any items lost in the mail.

Address the letter-size envelope to:

Temporary Resident Visa Section
CPP - Ottawa (e-Application)
PO Box 9640
Ottawa, ON, K1G 6T2

These steps contain general information considered to be accurate at the time of publication. If you have any questions about your situation please discuss this with the International Student Advisor. For the most up-to-date immigration information, please visit Canada.ca website.