Study Here
The U of A offers a variety of options for international students to study and learn in Edmonton, Alberta. From degree programs to exchanges and internships, there's a program to fit your goals.

Visiting Student and Internship Programs
For international students who are interested in coming to the U of A for a short program. Opportunities include short-term cohort programs, research internships, summer or winter programs, or to study as a visiting student for a term or year.

Exchange Programs
Each year, the University of Alberta welcomes more than 200 exchange students from around the world. The U of A’s formal exchange agreements allow students to take undergraduate or graduate coursework, which can often be transferred back to their degree at their home institution.

Sponsored Student Program
The Sponsored Student Program offers a specialized, professional service to sponsoring organizations and their students in order to provide an optimal learning experience at the U of A. Sponsored students are international students whose studies are fully or partially funded by their governments, companies, or third-party entities.

Year One Foundation Program
For international students who don’t meet the academic entry requirements, the Year One Foundation Program offers an opportunity to complete the first year of an undergraduate degree while receiving tailored support services. Upon successful completion with the required GPA, students progress to the second year of their four-year degree.
English Language School
The U of A English Language School helps prospective students meet the proficiency requirements for undergraduate and graduate admissions.
Bridging Program
The U of A Bridging Program allows students to improve their English skills and earn undergraduate academic credit.
Online Courses
The U of A offers several free and for-credit online courses through the Coursera platform.

Undergraduate studies
Offering more than 200 undergraduate programs, the U of A is home to more than 40,000 students from 156 countries and is a Top 5 research university in Canada. In addition to accepting many different international curricula, the U of A allows advanced standing or transfer credit for certain courses.

Undergraduate Studies
Offering more than 200 undergraduate programs, the U of A is home to more than 40,000 students from 156 countries and is a Top 5 research university in Canada. In addition to accepting many different international curricula, the U of A allows advanced standing or transfer credit for certain courses.

Graduate Studies
Students and scholars from around the world are attracted to the U of A for its reputation as a centre of research and innovation. International graduate students are an integral part of the U of A community.