Finalizing Credit Transfer

Your transfer credit eligibility will be finalized by your faculty once an official transcript is received from your host institution.

In all cases, it is your responsibility to ensure that a transcript is sent from your host institution to the Education Abroad office.

If you receive mail at home from your host institution, don't open it! Unsealed transcripts handled by students are deemed invalid by UAlberta.

Review the Credit Transfer Tip Sheet (PDF).


We will forward your transcript to your faculty for credit evaluation once it is received. This evaluation may take several weeks. All questions relating to credit transfer should be directed to your faculty.

TIP: Keep your course materials (notes, syllabi, outlines, graded assignment, etc.)! Faculties may require some of these documents for transfer credit assessment.

What will appear on my transcript?

Courses taken abroad are recorded on your UAlberta transcript as credits only (e.g. 3 credits granted in SOC 2XX). Grades are not usually calculated as part of your UAlberta GPA unless you are required to maintain a certain GPA for continuing awards, an Honours program, or to graduate with distinction. You can discuss this with your faculty or the Office of Student Awards.