After Submitting My Application
Congratulations, you've submitted your application! Now what?
The Education Abroad team will review your application. If it is successful, we will nominate you to your program of choice!
Once your nomination has started, you'll receive an email from an Education Abroad advisor instructing you on what to do next. This may include some of the steps outlined below. Read that email carefully and make sure to complete everything required of you before the set deadlines. This will ensure your study or work abroad experience gets off to a smooth start! And don't forget: we're here to help so don't hesitate to contact your advisor at any point in the process.
Exchange and Summer Programs
After you have been nominated to participate in a study abroad program, you'll need to apply directly to your host institution. The email mentioned above will instruct you how to do that.
When applying to the host institution, you will most likely have to submit additional supporting documentation and/or a list of courses you are interested in taking abroad. This course list is not a formal registration - it's normally used to determine which faculty or department you should be admitted into. Course registration at the host institution is often completed once you arrive.
Acceptance by Host Institution
It can take several weeks or months to receive admission from the host institution, depending on the program start date and the admission process.
Admissions by host institutions normally occur during the following timelines:
- Mid - late April for a Spring start
- May - June for a Summer start
- July - August for a Fall start
- November - January for a Winter start
If successful, the host institution will send a formal acceptance letter by post or email, either to the Education Abroad Program office, which we will forward to you, or directly to you. After receiving your acceptance letter, you must upload a copy of it to your application in Horizons.
The host institution has the final say on admission. You must receive formal acceptance from the host institution before you are permitted to go abroad.
TIP: Do not make financial commitments and travel arrangements until you have been admitted to the host institution and until you know important dates and deadlines (e.g. orientation).
Once you have completed the steps listed above, finish Preparing to Go!
Exchange Programs
Course registration processes at host universities vary from institution to institution. Your host institution will provide you with instructions.
In some cases you may be able to register online before leaving Canada. In others, you may have to register in-person upon arrival. Be patient and flexible!
TIP: Always have a list of back-up courses in case you do not get into the ones you want. You may learn that you do not have the course pre-requisite or that courses may be full, closed to exchange students, cancelled, or concurrent with another course you want to take.
Changing Your Course Selections
If for any reason you must make changes to your course registration, please notify your faculty advisor at UAlberta, especially if you had your courses pre-approved for credit.
Ordering Transcripts from Your Host Institution
Make arrangements with your host institution to send us or give us access to an electronic copy of your transcript (preferred) or to mail us a hard copy of your transcript before you come home. We cannot request transcripts on your behalf so be sure to do this before you leave your host institution. If you are making arrangements to have us sent a hard copy of your transcript, please have it sent to the Education Abroad office, not to your home address. UAlberta cannot accept hard copy transcripts, even official ones, if they have been opened by a student and are no longer sealed.
When you participate in an education abroad program, you need to be registered in specific exchange, abroad, and work experience courses at UAlberta to maintain your student status.
You won't be able to register yourself in these courses in Bear Tracks. UAlberta staff will complete this registration for you before you go.
What do students need to do?
- Stay in touch with your education abroad advisor; there are forms and steps to complete to change your registration to EXCH, ABROD, or WKEXP. Do not drop any courses without consulting your advisor.
- Make sure you have no outstanding fines on your Bear Tracks account (e.g. library fines, campus parking tickets)
- Pay your fees on time. Assessments for EXCH, ABROD, and WKEXP terms are just like any regular tuition assessment. Payment is due by the regular UAlberta fee payment deadlines
Types of Courses