Service with Cross-Cultural Agency in Canada

You may satisfy the intercultural experience requirement by working with a cross-cultural agency in Canada for 100 or more hours. However, you must apply to have your placement approved in writing by the CIL office in advance of the placement.
Students who plan to fulfill the intercultural experience requirement with 100 hours of service at a cross-cultural agency in Canada, must also complete intercultural communication training
How do I get a placement approved?
An Application for Approval Form must be submitted to prior to starting your placement. Approval (if granted) can take up to one month.
Does the placement have to be paid work?
No, you may work or volunteer.
Where can I work?
Placements may be in-person or remote, but they must be where:
- Intercultural communication and relationship-building is a central part of the unit or organizational mandate
- You have regular, face-to-face interactions with individuals from a different cultural background
- You can solicit advice or guidance from staff members with expertise in intercultural communication
Please note: Service with a student group does not typically count.
Can the CIL help me find a placement?
No. The Certificate in International Learning does not arrange, nor guarantee placements. You are required to secure your own placement.
Previous students have:
- Assisted with an immigrant-refugee settlement at the Mennonite Centre for Newcomers, Catholic Social Services or a similar agency
- Worked with youth (in a program that specifically targets newcomer youth) as part of Big Brothers and Big Sisters, the Boys and Girls Club or similar agency
- Taught English as Second Language
- Worked with seniors (in a program that targets seniors from different cultural backgrounds)
- Organized youth programming on a Métis settlement in Northern Alberta
- Worked with social justice organizations to assist a specific cultural population (i.e. the Elizabeth Fry Society's Aboriginal Women's Program)
Once you have completed your placement, you need to make a claim in the CIL Online Portal. For more information on making claims, visit our Resources page.
I worked 50 hours with one organization and 50 with another. Can I combine my experiences?
Students may claim up to two placements to reach the 100 hour threshold.