General Faculties Council (GFC)

As set out in the Alberta Post-Secondary Learning Act, subject to the authority of the Board, General Faculties Council (GFC) is responsible for the academic and student affairs of the University. GFC is Chaired by President and is composed of 158 members, including all University Vice-Presidents, all Faculty Deans, professors, students, librarians, and academic and non-academic staff. 

Next Meeting of General Faculties Council
Date + Time: February 24, 2025   2:00 - 4:00 PM
Location: 2-100 University Hall, Council Chamber

Current Academic Year: Meeting Books + Approved Minutes

All meeting materials and minutes for the 2024 - 2025 academic year are now available through a single location:

Note: This folder will be updated after each meeting throughout the academic year.

Motion and Final Document Summaries: As of the 2024 - 2025 academic year, Motion and Final Document Summaries are no longer being produced. For details on motions and approved documents, please refer to the Meeting Books or Approved Minutes linked above.

For assistance, please contact the GFC team at

GFC Members' orientation

Welcome to General Faculties Council!

This video presentation will provide you with the fundamentals to get started in your role as a member of GFC or help to provide you with a refresher. You may also want to consult the GFC and Committee Member Guidebook.

GFC Members' Orientation Video


archived gfc materials

For materials from previous academic years, including agendas, documents, approved minutes, and motion and final document summary, see below:

2010 - 2011 Academic Year

Agendas and Documents:

Approved Minutes:

Motion and Final Document Summary: