Grant Recipients

Past community projects funded by Heroes for Health grants

Calm Room
Created by members of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, Calm Room is a space that supports mental health through activity in a nature-inspired, tranquil environment. Space where students can take a break and manage stress through multisensory activities such as LEGO, painting, puzzles, solitary games and yoga.

Indigenous Campus Community (ICC) Nutrition Program
A program aimed to bridge the traditional diets of First Nation, Metis and Inuit (FNMI) with modern diets through preserving Indigenous traditions through food for all university members (indigenous and non-indigenous). The program will consult with members of the Indigenous campus community through a focus group that will shape nutrition workshops during the school year for Indigenous and non-Indigenous campus members.

BioSci’s Wellness in the Workplace
A wellness workshop series for graduate students, faculty and staff of the Biological Sciences Department. Conducted monthly, these workshops will be on a variety of topics such as informational seminars on services offered across the university including HIAR and CCS to techniques for mental and physical wellness like yoga/fitness instruction, art/music therapy, healthy eating and mindfulness. This initiative aims to provide its audience with a toolbox of strategies to maintain healthy physical, mental and social lifestyles, increase awareness of university services and to build a supportive and engaged workplace.

Combating Food Insecurity at the U of A: Grocery buses and campus kitchens
To tackle the issue of food security at the U of A, Campus Food Bank has started the grocery bus and campus kitchen program to increase access to healthy food for university members. For more information on this program, visit their website.

LAB Snacks
Providing an opportunity for students at Augustana to get healthy snacks to refuel and regroup during the exam season. This project aims to deal with the lack of healthy food that students may be consuming during the semester but most especially during the busy and stressful exam season.

Office of the Dean of Students Zen Den
Modeled after Alberta Health Services’ Zen Den, this space was created to support the mental health of staff by having a dedicated space for a break. It aimed to improve the mental health of those who access it, allowing for a space to retreat and collect oneself and decrease days staff are away due to stress and illness. The Zen Den featured a comfortable, tranquil space with meditative music, the opportunity for yoga, guided meditation and other mindfulness activities. (Please note this space is no longer offered).

Reinvigorated Law Wellness
Through offerings of various activities that focus on the dimensions of wellness, the Faculty of Law is hoping to continue their LawWellness program which aims to encourage students to become more in tune with their own personal health and wellness and to support opportunities for students to engage in wellness-related activities. The program mainly focuses on emotional wellness, intellectual wellness, physical wellness, social and spiritual wellness.